Rainy Daze…..

Well…another rainy day in new york. I am at work and I am waiting on a client to come in. You know, I understand that it’s wet outside but if you don’t want to come in at least call. Some of these clients have no consideration in calling to let me know what the hell is going on.  Real nice… But in any event, I got an offer to work at two jobs, but I turned one of them down. Like I said before, I just felt that the woman was a serious bitch….she had such an attitude and just had a bad aura. The other job..I’m not too sure of. The money is not all that great and I would be even more stressed than I already am. I was actually waiting for this other job that was offering much more money, but the woman had not called me back. I guess I didn’t get it. So I am back at square one. I just want a better job where I am comfortable and there is room for growth. This job here, there is no growth. I will just be stuck doing this job forever if I don’t make moves. I guess I will start looking again in about a month. We shall see how the market is. But I am going back to school for a second masters degree. I figure I can do it.  I’m only 30 and I have no kids and I’m not married. I am in a serious relationship, but that’s nothing. I can commit myself to school again.

Well I’m just blabbing so I guess I better run and do some work.  I am so tired and bored….oh…just got a call, my client finally showed….."BOUT TIME dammit!!!!!!

later days…..


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