
Hello again people……it’ s me. Man…I am sooo upset about school. It is really kicking my azz!! I have not done papers in about 5 years and right now I suck at them….I have to get back into the swing of things again. I use to write wonderful papers for school. I was such a good bullshiter!!! Really!! I guess I have to get back into it again…..

Now for the real problems…...My daddy….I love him dearly. He has no idea. When I found out recently that he has non lymphoma Hodgekins disease (which is cancer) I thought that my life was about to come to an end. He went today to see a doctor about treatment. He is going to have to go through chemotherapy. What?? I don’t want to see my father go through that. I had a friend who had breast cancer and she went through the treatment. She was always sooo sick and I just thought what an amazing person she was to handle it. She is better now and in remission. But…my daddy?? My dad?? My family?? No. I am still in shock. I am afraid, and scared, and mad. All at the same time. My father is such a good man. Why do bad things happen to good people. Alot of my friends say that about me….because I have what I have they all feel like I don’t deserve this. I wish I didn’t have it…and I wish I didn’t have to take all these pills too. It really does suck. But now I have not only my own condition to worry about…now I have my daddy to worry about. I know he is a strong man and he tries his best not to frighten me, his "little girl". But I told him that I am. I wish I can make all of this go away. I want him to be healthy and everything.  Wow….I am not even married yet or have any kids. When I see my dad with my nephew, his eyes light up. I want to be able to do that to him and my mother. I want them both to know that I will be ok in the future when they are eventually gone. Now that this stupid cancer has come into my family’s life, it make me scared because what if my dad doesn’t get to see this of me?? I know nothing about hodgekins disease. I have to get on the internet and get my self familiarized with it. This absoutly sucks…but it’s what I gotta now deal with. I am trying to very strong…I don’t want to cry right now….But I know I will break down soon…..

I just want my daddy to be ok….that’s all I want.

Well..I better felt good to talk about it. Thanks for the support guys….I’m gonna need it through all of this!

Later days…


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October 10, 2006

{{HUGE HUGS}} I know the feeling. The person that helped raise me was diagnosed with cancern back in 2004 and was told 6-8 mos. It’s been almost 3 years now and he’s still doing ok. He went through radiation and the whole thing. And it’s HARD to watch someone you love go through that stuff. So I know what scared/angry/sad feels like when it comes to that. I still deal with that daily. (c)

October 10, 2006

(c) You most defintely have my support as you go through this difficult time. I hope and pray that your Dad comes through it all just fine. Medical treatments and science has come so far that it can really do well for people these days. You’ll be in my thoughts and I wish you and your family only the best. Please keep us posted on how he’s doing. {{HUGS}}

October 10, 2006

Hope your dad come through OK.

October 11, 2006

hugs you long and tight

October 11, 2006

God, Deej… I’m such a Daddy’s Girl, I can’t imagine what you’re going through. You know you’ve got my prayers going up for your family. Big hugs coming your way, girl!

October 11, 2006

ahh man *BIGHUGS*….yeah its hard going through with that…..your father will be in my thoughts and prayers…take care!

Sorry about your Dad Sweetie. I’ll send him some healing thoughts (((((Hugs))))))

October 12, 2006

I will keep him in my heart for you until he is well. Thank you for all of the support you have shown me since we “met”! travel on.

October 13, 2006

ryn: I did say that but the reason I put that title is because some guy at work said that to me. Re-Read the entry

October 13, 2006

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sorry your right bad things happen to grand people.

October 13, 2006

Oh man im sorry to hear that. I can’t even begin to imagine. The worst nightmare. Keep a positive heart and pray pray pray. Life sucks somtimes. But all you can do is roll with it. I wish you and your father all the best.

November 1, 2006

**hugggs** i hope he’s okay