On My Knees……

Hello People……..I’m back. And let me tell you about my weekend. It was C…R…A…Z…Y!!!!!! I had sooo much fun…but most of the time I was drunk, stumbling over….falling on my knees. And…I was on my knees at the porceline throne….you know the toliet!!! But let me start from the beginning!!

OK……so….I am getting dressed at my house….I put on my bustier..looking good….My "Twin Peaks" were looking good too, I might add!! Then I packed up my stuff and went to my friend’s house. I knew I was not going to drive back to my home because I would be drunk! And that I was. So…we are at my friend Karen’s house. Myself, Karen, Ericka, and Kia. We start the party right there. I was taking shot after shot after shot. By the time we were ready to leave..I was drunk!! So drunk that I fell asleep in the car on the way to the club!! My body has not been that drunk since….probably…college….(yikes! that’s at least 7-9 years ago!).

So we finnaly get there. We went to this place called "Blu" . In the beginning..I though..Holy Suga Snaps…..it’s tiny bopper night! I saw all these young chicks dressed like they were staright out of a porno. But we knew one of the promoters of the place and he was like go downstairs to the "other party". Once we went down there, it was more people..my age and a little older. There was still the "hoochie factor" there but it was ok cuz I was looking like a hoochie too!

Then….here comes the drinks. People knew it was my birthday, so I was getting free drinks all night long! Oh Mannnnnn…I was drunk! I was dancing like I was crazy. At least that was what my friend said to me. She also told me how their were these group of guys that I was dancing with. Notice I said "GROUP". What the hell was I doing?? I must of been in a circle and went around and danced with all of them!! I guess I was dropin it like it was hott!! I could not even remember that!  But all night…up untill 4:30am, I was drinking. We even got a bottle of champange and drank it. I know that we became friends with all the promoters of the party and they were just buying all of us drinks.

But I have to tell you..from what I remembered….There was this one guy….who kept bothering me all night. He was also a promoter. So I was trying my best to be nice so we can get more drinks…hahahah! So anyway, he was sooo not cute. He looked like a cross between Gary Coleman, Sir Mix A Lot, and R. Kelly!! I am not lying!!!! He was so much shorter than me! Remember, I’m already 5’8…plus I had on my 3 inch heels . He was like 5’5 and puggy! Yuck. His breath was kicking like Bruce Lee too! Yuck! But he just kept talking to me..I tried to get away but my friends were like….keep talking to him to get the drinks. I felt like they were pimping me!! So I tried to be nice to him…he kept saying to me…"I would love to climb that mountain of yours…your soo sexy and slim". Mann..if I were sober I would have told him to go to hell being that he was not far from it with his 3’9 inch frame and his stinky breath.

Well….other than that it was a good time. But….When I got back to my friends house…..I was hugging that toliet. Yea…I up chucked!!! I haven’t done that since college either!!! I doubt I will get that drunk again. I’m getting too old for that! My knees still hurt from that too!

Well today I am at work….just bullshiting. We just got out of a training about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teens. It was interesting but the guy who was doing the training was sooooo Flaming and Flamboyant it was making me so tired. He was oohh soo…colorful I should say. It got very annoying though. I had to take a pill during it.  Hmmm…pills..!!!

Well, I just finished eating lunch talking to you guys. Today I am breaking in my new Micheal Kors black pumps and can I tell you that my right foot is bothering me!!  But I refuse to take it off. What I will do for fashion!!! Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaa…….

OK Let me run and do some kind of real work! And of course…take a pill…

Talk to you soon…later days….



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WOW, sounds like you had fun, sorry about the being sick part though, I know how much that sucks… <3 amanda

February 28, 2006

Oh man – sounds like a great weekend – but i still want pics!

Long Island here..thought I would say hi…~scott~

February 28, 2006

Quite the weekend! Man, I need one of those weekends sometime soon… Thanks for your note; I’d just hate to ‘insult’ anyone. Eh, what am I talking about?? I could care less if I offend them; it’s so intense, it just almost drives me crazy to talk about it!!

February 28, 2006

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Glad you had a great birthday celebration!

March 1, 2006

sounds like you had fun … I think the last time I was that drunk I was also at a club in hartford ct called blu… go figure…I’m sorry I havent’ written in lately i’ll try to get to that in a bit .. promise… actually i’m gonna read you other entry and then i’ll try to write. by the way just so you know. not sure if I told you. my real name is Angela