Hey everyone…it’s DeeJ. I am soo pissed off right now. Someone has to give me some sdvice or something. Maybe a drink or two…or five.

OK….here it is. So, I just got a call from my boyfriend who said to me how he is going out tonight with some of his friends from night school. He went to night school a few years back. Before he even knew me. OK….that’s cool. So….why is his going with a chick who he use to talk to and they were involved romantically??? Supposedly she was in night school with him and the other people. I was like oh …really??? But…let me tell you….I was out to dinner with my man one time and guess who we run into??? This heffer from his night school class. She gave him this big hug and kissed his cheek all right in front of me. Then he introduces me, and she looked at me a gave me the fakest "hello". I wanted to punch her sooo bad!  Anywho, so tonight he is going out to a bar and dinner with this chick  and some other people I could care less for. Now he is telling me, " Oh honey, nothing will happen!! She is married now". Uhhhh so the hell what???? There are bitches out there who will very well cheat on their husbands. She is too damm flirty……Plus, they were involved at one point, so I think I have a right to feel a little uneasy. I know if it was the other way around he would be pissed. Oh MAN!!!! I just wanna scream….but I am trying to remain calm.

So..I am asking you, am I over reacting or what???? Let me know!!!

Well I gotta run. My agency is about to close and I am still here!!!

Talk to you soon.

Later Days!


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June 1, 2006

i really dont think you are over reacting but maybe thats just because i would react the same way you are lol

June 1, 2006

You are not ove reacting. I would feel the same way! How would he like it if you went out with some guy who you used to date? That’s what you should ask him.

June 1, 2006

It’s hard for me to comment. I trust Wayne 100%. He could go out with ex’s…wouldn’t bother me. Of course he wouldn’t do that.

June 1, 2006

Here’s my scope on it… If other people are there and it’s not just him and her, I don’t really see a problem. I’d be irritated, but I wouldn’t waste my energy on it if when they were romantically involved it was just casual. BUT if it were an “intimate” kind of romantically involved, I’d sweetly suggest that I go too so I could scratch her eyes out if necessary. 🙂

June 1, 2006

I don’t think you are over reacting about all of this. I hope he keeps his wits about him and doesn’t give in to her. She sounds like a piece of work to be so openly flirty in front of you.

June 2, 2006

You are not overracting. If she wasn’t so flirty and all you know? you might not feel that way you do…yeah blame the bitch hehehe..anyway, trust your man and tell him to have fun. It will be OK 🙂

June 3, 2006

What?!? pssshhhh whats he doing hangin out with that ho.. well since hes going out with alot more people than her then i suppose its okay..maybe you can ask if you can come along??…*shrug* dont let it get to you… take care gurl *hugs*

June 4, 2006

thanks so much for your note:)

June 5, 2006

maybe u can follow him?

June 6, 2006

oh im just like that! i’d react just the same as you. i usually make it known i dont like it, but don’t be a pain in the ass. its hard sometimes i just wanna go off, but i know trust is big. but it’d def. be upset too lol.

June 6, 2006

If he invited you to come along, then you are over reacting. But if he never invited you, then you definitely have reason to be pissed.

June 6, 2006

I know that I would react the SAME way. But, I also know that I would be overreacting in certain regards. Definitely NOT in not trusting her, because of her reaction when you first met, I don’t think SHE is trustworthy. But, from how you talk of your man, I do believe that HE is trustworthy. I hope it all went well. Thanks for the bday wishes! Hearts!

June 6, 2006

I would do the same thing…Granted nothing probably would happen…but I would freak out also…don’t worry sweets he wont cheat..I just have that feeling…

June 13, 2006

I am sorry sounds like he needs to let go of her. I bete if the role was reversred he would be pissed