MY DIARY is still HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






I had No idea my diary was still here!!!! I have not been around for like a year and some change!!!! OMG I have missed you!!!! LOL….My Gosh!!! Sooo many things have happened to me!!! But unfortunately I am at work!!! But just to briefly update you….I’m single…well sorta….I had a boyfriend who passed away…..very very sad situation…..I met another guy finally after my whole tramatic situation with the boyfriend that passed away…..I am on facebook which is probably why I have abandoned my diary… sorry….I am almost done with my 2nd masters degree….I have a new job…and I hate it! It’s really bad here…….I have met some interesting people…..and um…..yeah….that’s it!!!! But I must must must elaborate more when I get the chance!!!!

I am really excited that this diary is still here!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am hoping that my old friends….and maybe new ones will start reading my life again!!!

Ok…..let me run!!!! Will update soon!!!!



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April 29, 2010

Welcome back!!!!! Sorry to hear of your loss. Hoping life is looking brighter.

May 31, 2010

lol weclome back to OD! 🙂 Sry to hear about your boyfriend passing, but congrats on the degree and moving on! 😀

December 9, 2010

I’m on facebook too. I also have a hardcopy diary for myself, for my three year old, and for my baby. It’s hard keeping up with all of these diaries! I hope to see you back for 2011!