Hello my friends!!!!! It’ s that time of year again!!! Yes…4th of July. And I know that I’m going to endear the loud snaps, blasts, and KABOOOMSSS all night long!!! I really hate hearing all that stuff esecially when I’m trying to sleep!!

Anyhow, I just wanted to drop by and say Happy 4th of July everyone!! And PLEASE Thank a verteran or soldier when you see one on the street or anywhere you are!!!!

Oh yes…..Today is a bad day just because I’m trying to leave work on time and go out to dinner with the boyfriend. And yes, we are still together! I can say that nothing much has changed since I last wrote in my diary. Only that I passed my exams for school and got an "A" in Management and a "B" in Research Stats. Man…I worked my ass off in those classes!!! And I deserved the grades that I got!!!! Ummmmm…….I think I’m going to a new therapist soon. I have not been to one in a very very very long time and I can really feel myself becoming depressed again. I hate that feeling guys, I really do. Ummm……I still hate these bitches at my job. I tell you, I need to start looking for a better job. I mean, I look but there is nothing out there. And you would think so because I live in NY where there is endless opprotunities. I am sooooooooo struggling to get through the day sometimes. These women are sooo stuck on themselves and are sooo mean to me. Gee….I cam’t wait untill the day I leave. But I will try to keep my head up. Well…other than that, I can’t think of much. But I’m sure when I sign off I’ll think of more things. But I’ll leave it for another day.


Well all…..Just have a great 4th and BE SAFE!!!!!!  Oh….and It’s that time again ……you know….POP a PILL TIME!!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

Later Days!!!!!


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July 3, 2007

I’m so glad to see you around here. Happy 4th to you too. I hope you find a new/better job soon. Sorry to hear you’re feeling depressed. Def. get in to see someone soon. *hugs*

July 3, 2007

I am happy your back diva, congrats on the grades. Miss ya

July 3, 2007

im glad you’re back. 🙂 Sorry about feeling depressed. Hopefully you find a good one to help you out. you still need to post a pic of your boi! *hugs* take care gurl

July 8, 2007

Hey I am so glad to see you back on again! Keep writing. I miss you too.