Just when you think you know people…

Yess……..Just when you think you know some people, they turn out to be assholes… for real. I’m not naming any names…but come on….I’ve been knowing you for sometime now and then all of a sudden you turn on me???? Eww….don’t you hate people like that…..Not cool. I can’t even talk about it fully as I want to cause I gotta run out of the office soon…..But damm….I guess we were not that cool to begin with. I hate it when people build you up to just break you down. That sucks. But it’s a life lesson. I’m a pretty sensitive chick…but if you cross me, then you better watch yourself….for real….Well now I know how this person is and I’m  D O N E with them….(**POOF BE GONE**)

OK…..I need a pill right now……

Talk to you soon… and I will elaborate more later…

Later dayz…


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May 13, 2008

damn i hate those kind of assholes

May 13, 2008

Just when you think you know some people, they turn out to be assholes… Oh cmon! I didn;t TRY to bang yer sister! It just sort of happened!

May 13, 2008
May 13, 2008

ugh. **hugggs**

May 13, 2008

i’ve tried it….didn’t like it. i dont express myself with talking. i write more. but thanks, i’ve gotten that suggestion before.

May 15, 2008

RYN: Yeah, my cousin does it and suggested it to me but i have trust issues and..dont like the fact of letting it out to a total stranger..wait..that’s supposed to be a good thing huh? I think cause last time the lady tried to put me on meds so i never went back. Yeah, i’ve kept a journal since i was about….11….or 12. so a few years…but i love it on here. ..insteadof keeping it in i get to

May 15, 2008

let it out and vent to people and they offer suggestions..its easier than having to explain my feelings to my family…… my mom would flip..i think its easier for her to assume im ok….. sorry i ramble on and on sometimes.