Is My Bio Clock Ticking? Tick, Tick, Tick…

Yet again….another one of my friends is pregnant…..what the hell? I am like the last of the mohigans or something. What the hell?? See, I want to wait untill I am married at least. I really don’t want a child out of wed lock. I don’t think it’s fair to the kid. I grew up with both of my parents around and that’s how I would like to have my child grow up. Not to say that divorce can’t happen or that I can’t be a single parent, but I want the bith of my child to be shared with myself and my husband to be.

But you know I feel like I’m left out because everyone around me either has a child or is expecting. Everyone is running to babys"r" us and regestring for their shower and they are just sooo full of joy!! I think I’m Jealous. That’s what it is. I want to be able to feel that way and I can’t. I can’t even find a man I want to marry yet, let alone have a child with. I know I’m in a relationship but I am not sure he is even marriage material!  Good Grief!!!

I can hear that damm clock…tick..tick..tick..tick…….!! Even my own mother is like….so, when are you pushing some babies out for me and your dad??? This is sooo crazy. But yet again, I will have to go to one of these stores and attend yet another baby shower …whoop pee……..I feel the depression setting in on me….

Time for a pill…..

Later Days…


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January 19, 2006

I kinda know wot u mean, not that i’m in a rush to have kids as i’m still just 20 but three of my friends have gotten pregnant, and seem overjoyed, and quite a few members of my family are pregnant at the mo. Babies everywhere, so much pressure to have children!

January 19, 2006

I hear ya! I had my son almost 2 years ago. I met a great bunch of people that had their babies at the same time. Out of those 5 are expecting this year and a few others are trying to have another child. And in my own family we are expecting another new baby this year and had one last year. Sure puts pressure on a person to jump on the baby bandwagon. Your still young, it’ll happen someday.

January 19, 2006

I haven’t decided if I really want kids or not. Wayne says NO. But both our parents have started asking. My Mom didn’t have me till she was 32. So I figure I still have 3 more good years to decide šŸ™‚

January 20, 2006

Well, I am kind of in the same situation as you only that my husband and I don’t want any kid. But seeing all my friends having kids sometimes make me question myself if I made the right choice to not having any kid. *sigh* If you are a marriage type of person and want to have kids, I think you might want to find someone that share the same thing with you.

January 20, 2006

RYN: I speak from experience when I say be patient and a child/family will come in time! I have been with my hubby for 13 yrs. We’ll be married 6 years soon. It took us over a year to conceive our son after being married 4 years. Good things do come to those who wait. It will all fall into place when the time is right. Enjoy your life. Hope you have a great day!

Nice entries in your diary, take care always.

January 24, 2006

I know what you mean!! My Mom is really pushing for grandkids since now both my brother and I are married!! I’m still thinking a few more years for me though, but we’ll see.. =) Take Care,