I’m ALIVE…Seriously!!!!

Oh ….My …GOD…….Tell me I haven’t been here for 4 months???? Guys…..Friends…..I have missed you so much!!! You wanna know something…open diary was always in the back of my mind…but I could really never get to it…But I am making it my business to get to you. I miss talking and getting advice from all my buddies. Seriously! But as far as things in my life…it is pretty much the same!

I am still with my boyfriend….our relationship has grown. But there is no moving in together yet…we keep talking about it alot though! Who the hell knows….he may be the one…he may not be the one. As far as school…I’m doing ok….last semester for my two classes I got two B’s. Hey at least I didn’t fail!!! I busted my ass sooo much. I think that was one of the reasons why I didn’t write in my diary anymore. I was going crazy with school. Ummm..what else……oh yes…I hate to say it but I have a myspace page!!! My friend made me do it. She created one for me. It is ok. But let me tell you there are some funky people out there….WOW!! My picture is up there and I have got some crazy ass people asking me for sex…male and female. Is that a compliment?? I am not sure but it is scary…for real.

Ummm….I want to write more but my job is about to close. But..I do hope to hear from all my old friends….I am going to check on all my favs when I get home….I hope you guys remember me!!!

Take care!

Later Days….


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March 30, 2007

heyI will be in new york agian, wanna meet for lunch?

March 30, 2007

WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN??? Do I REMEMBER YOU??? Of course I do!!! Glad to see you back. *hugs*

March 30, 2007

Hey you! I didn’t forget you…how could I? lol don’t leave us again ya hear?

March 30, 2007

Thought of you often while you were gone and wondered how things were going. Glad to hear that it’s all going well. Congrats on the grades last semester. Can’t wait to catch back up with you and see you around more often! Missed hearing from you and I’m glad your back. {{HUGS}}

March 30, 2007

OH MY GOD!!! YOU ARE BACK!!!!! I have to note you before I read you cos I am so excited!!! Fill me in all details of your life right now! hehe

March 30, 2007

LOL your entry cracked me up again as always! I am sOOOO happy you are back! *hugs*

March 30, 2007

holy hell lady.Don’t leave us like that again.sheesh. whats your myspace link?

April 8, 2007

at least ur back 🙂 and B’s are good grades so we’ll forgive ya :p