I Spoke Too Soon……

Hello again……..Can I just tell you, my last two entries were soo nice. But…I think I spoke too soon. My man and I had the biggest fight and I doubt we will get back together!!!! Yea….this was a bad one. Are you ready??? Here I go…….

Ok. So as you may have known my boyfriend and I don’t argue a lot. But lately, we have been having little tit for tat arguments. But we would make up right away. Anyhow, this pass 4th of July was the last straw I have had with him. He has a bad temper. Even when we would drive in a car, if someone cut him off, forget it! He would blow up. He has road rage like crazy. Well., the night before (july 3rd) we went out to dinner in the city (mamhattan) and had a nice evening at this steakhouse. So we get back to his apartment and fall asleep. Next morining we wake up. It’s cool. He decides to make breakfast which he usually does. He then asked me to walk his dog. Now his dog is like his child. He loves that dog better than he does his own mom. So he asked me to walk the dog. No problem I said. Now I don’t walk dogs ok, I am a cat person. But how hard is it to walk a dog? It’s not. So I put the leash on him and we went around his complex. Cool….We run….he pees…..we walk….he pees some more. Everything was fine. Then….here comes the crazy part…..I walk back into the house. (Mind you this guy has a temper and does not know how to talk to people when he is mad) He comes from the kitchen and states ( in these exact words) " You know the next time you walk my dog you better have a better grip on the leash. You were not holding the damm leash right.  I was watching you from the window…What is wrong with you?? Are you stupid? Seriously? My dog could have ran into the street and got hit by a car. Next time, use your head and hold the leash like this (then he shows me how to hold it) Don’t you have a master degree??" I know……I was like WHOAAAAAAA!!!!  I then took a breath, looked at the dog, then said, isn’t the dog right here?? Your damm dog is fine. I then unleashed the dog, went into the bathroom, and started to cry. I wish I could actually let you hear how he said it. He was talking to me like I was "slow" and had a learning disability.

So……After I gathered myself together, wiped my tears away, I looked in the mirror and told myself that no one should talk to me like that. I’m a grown ass woman who pays for her own shit and does everything for herself!! (Oh by the way…I got accepted to Grad school for my 2nd master!!!!!!) I don’t need a man that talks to me like that. I then got out of the bathroom and walked to the bedroom. I put all my stuff in my bag. I then dropped the bag by the door then sat down at the table where he was. He actually made me breakfast. I sat down and did not look at him. He asks me "What is wrong with you? Are you mad at me?" What?? He did not just ask me that. I looked at him and said "The next time you talk to me like that, you better be wearing a cup"!!!!!!! He gave me such an evil look. He then started to argue with me. Then he said" I better get a thicker skin". I told him that I have thick skin when it comes to people that I have no feelings for. We argued some more, then I said, You know what, I don’t need this shit. I picked up the bag by the door and left!!!!! I heard him in the background say, I don’t give a fuck leave then!!!! Well, I did just that.

I say screw him. He can not talk to me like that. He has anger issues and needs anger management. I know it’ s not me. I don’t even curse at him. I’m sick of him talking to me any how. But he just crossed a line with me that day. Now, he has not called me and I sure as hell am not going to call him. I’m not dealing with the way he talks to me anymore. It’s crazy. He can get some other heffer to be his punching bag. Not me. I have plans for myself.  I’m going to school  for a 2nd masters in the Fall and I have no time for nonsence. God…he acts like that and the man is turning 37 years old. Do men ever mature? Let me know where they are hiding at, please!!!

But anyways,….I’ll be ok. It’s just hard. I feel like shit right now, but I know I will get over this. There is someone else out there that will treat me the way I’m suppose to be treated.

OK..Let me run. my supervisor keeps walking pass my door. She is sooo crazy……

Talk to you soon…..

Later days…


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July 5, 2006

WOAH. You were absolutely right! He should NOT be talking to you like that! Someone needs to put that man into anger management classes! Yeesh! I would NOT put up with that either. Good for you for leaving and standing up for yourself! ~random reader 😀

July 5, 2006

I’m sorry to hear about your breakup. But your right, nobody should be talked to like that. Life’s to short to be treated poorly by another person. I hope things work out for the best. And congrats on getting accepted into Grad school!

Baby girl, I know what you mean…If Jai Vai gets too bad I’m walkin because don’t nobody have time to takin shit off these men hell we don’t need em’ Alright mama, I’m holla at you later… Oochie

July 5, 2006

Good for you!!! (((hugs)))

July 5, 2006

Glad you’re wising up before you ended up at the alter with him. He doesn’t deserve you. You’re a brilliant woman with dreams and goals – how dare he talk to you that way? Over a DOG LEASH? ggrrr. Big hugs your way, baby girl!

July 5, 2006

You mentioned you wanted a pink ‘hobo’ style like the Tink one I did… I’ll be happy to make one… what shade of pink? What type fabric? Regular cotton? Satiny? Pleather? Say the word, I’ll price the stuff and let you know what the cost would be…

July 6, 2006

Poor thing, that is quite a 180 to go from talking about marriage to then yelling at you for not holding a leash correctly. Hope you feel better soon.

July 10, 2006

Ugh what a jerk for talking to you like that! Good for you for sticking up for yourself!

July 10, 2006

RYN: That’s what I was thinking too. Maybe she just doesn’t like me and she is using this as an excuse.

July 11, 2006

whoa! I just couldn’t believe the thing that came out of his mouth. You did the right thing. Don’t let the man walk all over you. We need to establish bounderies. People treat us the way we “allow” them to treat us. I am surprised he didn’t even apologize. But you will feel better. You are a strong woman!

July 20, 2006

You’re boyfriend shouldn’t have been so sarcastic. Comments like “Are you stupid?” and “Don’t you have a master’s degree?” are unacceptable. The best thing to do in this situation is to say calmly, “Don’t ever talk down to me.” Case closed!

July 20, 2006

Okay, I just read this entire entry and I think you did the right thing. And good for you for not caving and calling him!!