I just want to be loved

Hello again…well I am here at my parents house just thinking about men. Why is it so hard to find Mr. Right? I have been with all kinds of men. Those real attractive guys that have nothing going for them or they are staright assholes (but of couse I am attracted to them) or those guys that are unattractive that have all the right qualities I look for (but I am not attracted to). That’s what I use to meet when I was alone. Now that I have my boyfriend, I really do love him. I am attracted to him sexually, i love that he is emotional and protective, and that he is sweet when he can be. But…he has the worst attitude when he is mad. He is like a firecracker. He gets so angry sometimes, it is scarey. But is this the guy that I want to be with for the rest of my life? Do I just deal with his anger issues when everything else is great? I know we have to make sacrifices sometimes, but should I even do that with him? Am I wasting my time? Believe me I was pissed the Hell off when he pulled that stunt on me when I was sick. But I forgave him when he kept apologizing to me all day the following day. I just don’t know. But I guess everyone has flaws. And not everyone is perfect.

Well let me run. I have laundry to do and I am getting depressed. I think I need a pill….

Talk to you soon.
Later Days…….

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Mr. Right? What’s that? It is hard to find Mr. Right because it just doesn’t exist. Don’t try to hard, life will bring you someone who deserves you when you less expect it.

November 28, 2005

You so should not put up with someone who blows up and then apologizes, and then just does it again. If he says he’s sorry, he knows it’s wrong to blow up. I put up with that malarkey for 6 years until I had finally had enough of the ups and downs. I hope that you can work it out, because it seems like you really do care for eachother. Take Care,