I Got Tagged by DessertDoodle!!!

Hey people I got tagged by my friend DessertDoodle!!! So here are my answers:

10 Years Ago…
I was in college having a grand old time not having to worry about bills, or a job!!! It was my Junior year because I graduated in May 1997. I was really really happy because I had a boyfriend, who I thought I was going to be with forever, plus I knew I was graduating in a year. It was pretty cool time in my life…….
 I am a 31 year old social work psychotherapist that works in Family Court helping crazy ass teenagers that are involved with criminal activity that have mental and emotional issues. I never thought I would be doing something like this!! But I do love my job. I am also in an interracial relationship and I am so much in love with my man that I don’t even see color any longer. It’s beautiful!!!

I got soaking wet from the storm NY had…yuck. But I then saw my man…and he made it all better for me!!!
It will be payday and I am going to have to pay my rent. Can’t enjoy this check!!!
Five snacks I enjoy…
Cupcakes, wheat thins, Starbuck’s Lemon Slice Cake, Gummy Bears, and Jelly beans
Five bands/singers I know most of the lyrics to their songs…
Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Madonna, Christina Aguleria
Five things I would do with a million dollars…
Pay off all my family’s bill, Buy each of my family members a house, travel around the world, new wardrobe, and give some to the sickle cell foundation
Five tv shows…
Forensic Files, Deal or No Deal, 24, House, CSI Miami
Five movies…
Breakfast at Tiffany’s (of Course!), Mommy Dearest, Immitation of Life, Purple Rain, and Clueless!! (gotta love the fashion!!)
Five people I’m tagging…
Stukie. (If she sees this)
Pissed Off Female
All the rest of the people I talk to or who are reading this!!!!! ( Yeah. that’s more than 5 but so what!!!)

Hope you enjoyed!!!
Can’t wait to see your answers!!!
Later Days!!

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June 8, 2006

RYN: I have a zillion “favorite” movies. I can’t believe I didn’t put B@T’s either though. Blame it on this stupid nausea I’ve got going on.

RYN: Dee don’t hurt him, that’s alright because I’m waiting to see what kind of lie he’s going to tell, and I’m also waiting for that bitch to call him back

June 12, 2006

RYN: How did you get them to eat? Did you put the food near their hiding place? I was thinking of doing that but I don’t want to encourage her to hide.

June 12, 2006

RYN: To do a snapshot of your desktop, go to the desktop, press the Shift key and the “PrtScn/SysRq” button on the upper right side of your keyboard. This copies the picture of your screen… Then go to your photo editor program & click on Paste. This will put the printscreen into your photo editor and you can now save it as a jpg or gif. Then upload it to your online album. I use snapfish.com.

June 12, 2006

RYN: It may seem silly, but that’s one thing I’ve always been stressed about with being a mom – the fine line between reality and fantasy for kids. My folks told me at a young age about Santa and the Easter Bunny and all that. They’re ministers and didn’t want to lie to me, but we still had fun with all the traditions. I had friends who felt betrayed to have been lied to over those things.

June 14, 2006

how ya doing sweety? How ya feeling? Just checking in

June 14, 2006

hehe ill have to do this later…

June 19, 2006

aggghhhh! I just notice that I have been tagged! hmmm I’ll find time to do it hehehe

June 19, 2006
June 23, 2006

I haven’t had a chance to do the survey yet but I will I promise hehe

June 28, 2006

RYN: oh yeah you’re alive! Thanks for the note. ;o)

June 28, 2006

RYN: Just pink? Or pink with a character? We can work something out. 🙂

June 28, 2006

RYN: haha… gotcha! 🙂 Gutter mind 😉