I Didn’t PASS!!!!!!


I am EXTREMELY DEVESTATED!!!! I don’t know what happened!!!! I thought that i was doing sooooo well… I am SHOCKED!!! Seriously…..even though I know I can do it the next time. I have great supports from everyone. This was the second time I took this test. Only a few people know what I’m doing. My boyfriend, my friend that I studied with, my therapist, the professor of the LMSW bootcamp that i went to, and one other person that failed it too. I didn’t want to broadcast it just in case I failed….and I didn’t pass. It sucks badly…But I do have a smile on my face. The girl that I studies with that failed let me vent to her once I got out of the test center. She rocks…I stayed on the phone with her until I reached home!!! We both decided that we were going to continue to study until the next time we can take it. I have 90 days until I can take it again. I think that’s enough time for me to do more practice test. It would have been nice for me to go into work next week saying hey I passed….but since no one knew what I was doing…I will just say that in August!! I can’t beat myself up for it. I know I’m a good social worker and my clients love me. I did great work. A test like this doesn’t prove I’m a terrible worker. I think this will make me stronger in the months to come. It’s still unbelievable…….

I lost the battle….but I promise I will win the WAR!!!!

Thanks for the all support…….U guys ROCK!!!

Later dayz….

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May 2, 2008

Sorry to hear you didn’t pass the exam, but keep on trying, i’m sure you’ll pass it next time!

May 2, 2008

I failed 3 of my final exams last term and I was devastated as well. I thought I knew it, and apparently I didn’t. Recently, I took an exam for one of my classes… failed that too. I can honestly say it was a blow to my confidence, for sure.

May 2, 2008

Oh hon, I’m so sorry… but you’ll get it next time!!!

May 2, 2008

Sorry you didn’t pass the test. But you know what they say, third times a charm! Keep studying and I’m sure you’ll do great come August. And your right, just because you didn’t pass this exam doesn’t mean that your not a good worker or do good work on a daily basis. {{HUGS}}

May 2, 2008

Don’t quit! Keep going for it and you will pass! Hey! It looks like we are on the same path! I am planning on getting my MSW and then after many years of working in the field, going for the LCSW. Is that similar to the LMSW? Your diary scares me though. You sound like you hate your job in the social work field. I’m in finance and planning on switching to social work. Any advice??

May 2, 2008

Bastahds!!!!! F’n people. I’m not in the best condition to note. Bastahds!!!! You’ll get em next time Bastahds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!