I am not trying to be WHITE!!

OK…let me just vent right now. Why is it that other black people always feel that I am trying to be white? Just because I talk “proper english” does not mean I am trying to be white. How does one talk white?? Please let me know, because I have no idea. The way I dress has nothing to do with me “trying to be white” Since when is shopping at Banana Republic or J. Crew a “white thing to do”?? At my job, I work with some “Ghetto-fied” people who feel that because they grew up in the projects they are the “shit” and that they are “keeping it real”. Give me a break! I keep it real everyday. Just because we grew up differently does not mean that I have it more easily. Some people are always looking to pick on someone that is differnt from them. But the funny thing is, I’m not different. I sometimes get looks from other races just as they do. You think if I went into a fancy store like Bergdorf Goodman’s that they would not follow me around too?? I will never understand some black people when they make fun of me. I think it’s wrong to do this because everyone is different and everyone should be respected in that manner. It is very hurtful sometimes too because I have been dealing with this since I was in grade school. My parents would always tell my sister and I that education is the most important thing and that you need it to survive in this country(parents are not from the US. They came here in the 60s from Trinidad and Guyana). Also that the way we present ourselves is important because even though it’s wrong, people judge others just by the way they carry themselves. I believe this everyday. I just wish others understood me more..

OK…that felt good. I better get to bed. I have an early morning meeting to attend.
Thanks for reading about my issues!!!!!!

Later days!!


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December 1, 2005

People are just ignorant…

December 1, 2005

I think it’s wonderful that you’re not letting these people talk you into acting “ghetto.” When I was in HS there was a nice boy named Felix who’d just come over from Africa. He was the most genteel person around. Chivalrous & polite and well spoken. Then some people made fun of him for it and all of a sudden he was acting all ghetto! It was sad. I sometimes wonder if it served him well or not.

December 1, 2005

People can be so petty and ignorant sometimes. In my opinion, when someone makes fun of someone else for something it’s a good indicator that they have a low self-esteem and making fun of someone else makes them feel like a bigger person.Just stupid. People are aware of the problems that exist between races but never stop to think that those same ones exist amongst race. Hope you have a better day

December 1, 2005

Oh my gosh! I totally understand what you mean. And its so hard not to be bothered by it. I’m white. But, i attend a very ..as you put it..”ghetto-fied” school. haha. And, i get stares and comments just about..everyday. -I did notice you’re 30, so the situation may be a little different. But,i do agree that the way you carry and present yourself is extremely important. i “feel you” haha.. -Jenna

December 2, 2005

RYN: Thanks. 🙂

December 2, 2005

I hate that. Just because your with a white dude, They are just jealous! Screw them!

December 2, 2005

im glad I came here….I can definetly feel with you on this..being a girl of color myself…it irks me when people say ur acting a certain race..yeah how do u act a race? and it really makes me mad when random people try to talk in their ghetto slang..its like uhhh..please speak proper.. i have grown different places..and yes at one time i was in the ghetto..but i chose how I act now..”educated”.

December 2, 2005

thank you for that….:D take care <3

December 2, 2005

Not only are you a beautiful person on the outside – but inside too. I am so, so glad that you are not letting them push you around. You rock girly – plain and simple. Education IS key – no matter if you are white, black or fing purple

December 2, 2005

Hope your having a better day. Have a great weekend!

Girl, I know what you are going through. Been there too. This is my motto to that: Ignore the Ignorant.

December 2, 2005

ryn: hehe thank you..what can i say your entry spoke to me..take care <3

December 8, 2005

Hi! People are idiots!! I think you have a great way/attitude of dealing with this issue! Don’t let other people ever make you feel like you should change just to fit some stupid made up sterotype! =) Take Care,