I know what your thinking…..Your like…what the hell is that????

Well…’s a blog that I found from a friend of mines. The woman who blogs on the site seems really sincere and funny as hell!! I really like it and I go there alomost everyday. But I thought hey…why not help her out and promote her when I can?? Plus…it’s alright to be without a husband too….She talks about living the single life and having a great time….You should check it out!!!!


But anyways…..

OMG>>>>>>>>> I loved Loved Loved…Sex and The City. I don’t care what anyone says….It was soo good. Not to mention I was a bit tipsy during the movie. It was hillarious! My co-workers and I decide to get a bottle of Kettle One Vodka and get individual size cranberry juices and make our selves some drinks! Boy….was that a good idea..I felt so nice duing the movie!!!! But I gotta tell you…seeing it at the Battery Park Movie theater was soooo AWESOME. But Man..there were HEFFERS OUT that night!!!! Talk about hoochie mamas….Everybody had their heels on (including me), But I was not heffered out!! At least I didn’t think so. These chicks were wearing shirts for dresses!  Some were cute…I won’t hate…but others had no business wearing shit like that. PLEASE….anywho….people were all soooo excited. But Me and my co-workers got there sooo early. We were like 2nd in line. So…check this out…some Heffer had cupcakes and was passing them out to be"nice". She came up to me and my girls and was like… hey you want a cupcake?? At first I was like…"is this bitch trying to drug us"???? Then I was like…ummm..ok…we are all women trying to see this movie…Thought she was just being nice……So I took one and so did another co-worker of mine. So it gets better……..We are waiting and waiting for the man to let us into the theater. All of a sudden the man lifts the velvet rope…and the bitch with the cupcakes took off running!!! She tried to cut us cuz the line was hella long. So….you know me…I was like OH HELLLLLLSS NAWWWWWW!!! I got up, cuz I was sitting and I ran after her…..she had a friend with her by the way…..So…because of my long legs…I caught up to her with no problems….and yea REAL women can run in HEELS…LOL…..I basically trip the cupcake bitch…….didn’t mean too…it just sorta happened….her cupcakes went to the ground…..I turned around and said….Yea…How ya like me now!!!! My co-worker were right behind me, basically steping over this heffer and her friend, saying…..don’t F with us!!! How HILLARIOUS…..That chick said nothing to me or even looked my way when she was looking for a seat!! People in the theater were givnig me High 5’s all around!!! It was SOOOOOO Funny….

WOW!!! but the movie was sooo good…And yes….there were MEN there…probably there cuz they knew there were Heffers out that night!!! After the movie we went to the village and sat outside at an italian resturant and had cosmos and spagetti!! Woo HOO…It was a wonderful night!!!


Well as for thsi weekend…It’s Party time at DEEJ’s house. My sister and her kids are coming to stay with me…Her husband isn’t going to be there for the fun because he needs to stay closer  to the home. My sis and her hubby are re-doing the stairs and the floors in the entire house. Her hubby said he would stay near the home to let the guys in to do the work. Staying by a friends’ house. I live very far from them so my sis just said that she would be there with the kids.  My boyfriend and I decided that we would take them out to dinner. That should be fun….got my 4 year old nephew who is loud as hell…he gets that from me…and a 1 and a half year old that can’t sit still…..Let me see how that’s going to go. But I’m glad it’s going to be a nice weekend. The weather is going to be good…hmmm…..maybe Sunday we can go to the beach??? Hmm…gotta check that….

N E Ways……Hope all is well…..Have a great weekend…..

BTW…its’ pill time….YEAAAAA!!!

Later days


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June 6, 2008

I would have loved to see you chasing that ‘cupcake’ down in your heels! lol As it was I got a good laugh out of reading it! Way to go!!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your sis and her little ones.

June 6, 2008

OMG! I was totally laughing over Miss Cupcakes. Have fun with your family. 🙂

June 6, 2008

You are too funny! Taking out cupcake girl for a seat. You go girl!

June 6, 2008

hahaha 🙂 that’s awesome

there were like 6 men in the theatre when i went. i could count them all, lol. and the theatres here were selling non alcoholic cosmos for $5 and they weren’t even big!

June 6, 2008

thanks, i really appreciate it.

June 7, 2008

Funny story! Real women CAN run in heels! Real women can do anything in heels! I wear them when I’m working out at home, it tones your calves up faster!

June 9, 2008

Ryn: You should! Pole dancing classes & Strip Classes are a lot of fun and such a killer workout. You actually forget that you’re working out during the class, but you feel it afterward. It does amazing things for your muscles!

June 9, 2008

Did anyone die in Sex in the city? Like…in a horrific gun fight with grenades and Chuck Norris running around shirtless? I might just watch it then.

June 12, 2008

OMG, your entry was freakin’ hilarious! Chasing after chicks with cupcakes in heels and tripping her a$$? Woo hoo! Fun-nay! And then you said people were heffered out? My friends and I call it “skanked out” but it means the same thing. We’ll say, “what are you all skanked out for?” Tee hee! Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed the movie. I never was into Sex and the City myself. I know, sacrilege!!

June 12, 2008

Uh-Oh, you can tell that I’m not into Sex/City. I called it Sex and the City. I think the show is Sex *in* the City, right?? = )