Humpty Hump Day….

Hi Hi again…..I’m back. I still feel like crap. But I am trying to keep a smile on my face….

Anywho, Let me start off by saying that I am happy to see my friend "Stukie" back on OD. Girl you have been missing for ever…but I know you were going through the motions. And I am here for you. Anytime….

OK….well..I am at work and I am tired. I don’t want to deal with these damm clients right now. Tonight, my job is having a ceremony for the girls group. We have a mentoring group for some of the girls involved with our agency that participated in the mentoring program. Kind of like a big brother/big sister program we have. I have a few of my clients in the group so I have to attend. Don’t really wanna, but I have too. Anyways, for a gift, they got all the kids ipod nanos. What??? These kids are soooo disrespectful, mean, rude, and just obnoxious…..some of them. I really don’t think they deserve an ipod because of it. Half of them don’t even really participate in the program. One of these little ghetto-ite kids actually punched her mentor in her stomach and gave her a bloody nose!!! Does she deserve an ipod??? I don’t think so either. BUT…’s not my program so I can’t say anything. But I have to smile and make them think I like them. Plus…I don’t want to deal with their families. Good LORD….Some of these kids parents are much worse then the kids themselves!! One time….a few months back… of my kids mother’s wanted to fight me because I told her that her child may have A.D.H.D. She was in my office….yelling at me how I don’t know what I’m talking about…and that I’m an "Uncle Tom" . I was quite scared…..being that this woman was 300 pounds and could snap me in two.!!!!!But…whatever….That situation was handled. But in any event….I really dont want to go!!! I’m really gonna cry!! Not to mention…I gotta hang out with these crazy bitches from my job! You know I think they are crazy…and I really don’t like them. And….my supervisor will be there… Great…..can’t wait.

Well…on a lighter note…me and the man are doing well. We have had a few minor fights, but it’ s really working out. It’s kind of scary because everyday I find myself wanting to be with him more and more. I still get those buterflies in my stomach when I see him. And it’s funny…everytime we go to dinner, everyone remembers us. Well….it’s so obvious that you really can’t forget us just by looking at us..…but…it just seems that people are more and more accepting of our relationship. I mean..yea…we will get looks from people still…..but now, I’m like…I don’t really care…This is my man and I love him. Get over it!!!  Ahhhhh…ain’t love grand?? hahaha…untill he messes it up!!!!

Well, let me run….I am getting hungry and I think I want some Thai food. ( Wink @Giggle Fitz!!) . Take Care everyone….Oh..and you know I’m taking my Pill……hmmmmmmm….

Later Days….


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May 17, 2006

Well, color me ignorant, but why do two people who are in love get looks from people?

May 17, 2006

RYN: Some of the cats on the adoption website were described as liking to be the only cat in the house. This will be my first cat so I want to start off with just one. I would spoil it so much that it would never be lonely. ;o)

May 17, 2006

“Some of these kids parents are much worse then the kids themselves!!” That’s got to be where the kids get their lousy attitudes from! I would have been so tempted to sneak one of those nano’s in my bag!

May 17, 2006

MMMM. I love thai food.

May 17, 2006

Ugh. I see interracial couples all the time and I don’t think that I’ve ever stared at them or anything. I don’t really see what the big deal is. Than again this is westchester county so it doesn’t surprise me that people stare!

May 17, 2006

oh my God..the kid punche her/his mentor????? crazy world crazy kid. SOmetimes I feel like all those spoiled rotten kids should see how kids in 3rd world live maybe they will appreciate what they have more. There is no such program to help pple get on with their lives or better themselves there. America is awesome!

May 17, 2006

Thai food? Hey!!! get over here! Gimme some!!!!1

May 17, 2006

iPod Nanos! You’ve got to be kidding that they would give such a nice gift to kids who don’t care what happens to them. Just reinforces bad behavior to reward them with such an extravagant gift. Some of those little babies will find their way to a pawn shop or something so they can get themselves some cold hard cash. lol Hope you can endure the night. Have a good one! Glad all’s well w/ the man.

May 17, 2006

thanks for your note 🙂

May 18, 2006

Thai food is good. RYN: Yeah that website is nuts, huh?

May 19, 2006

RYN: Thanks for the support.

Those are some bad ass little hellians, I wish a kid would punch me in my nose, it’ll be all over… Anyways I’m glad to hear you and your man are doing well and I wish I could say the same…

ryn: no, i’ve never done playboy. i just have a thing for playboy bunnies 🙂

May 23, 2006

RYN; I actually liked the movie. It was pretty much nonstop action and the story is pretty good. I can understand why people couldn’t put the book down.

May 23, 2006

ryn: hehe cmon over…i have a ton of goodies over here…i just keep bringing food home.. ….basically its like myspace..or getting there at least..but you have to use a school e-mail address to get one..its ok..not my fave site..but i stay on because you are able to connect with old classmates

May 24, 2006

You know, it’s been a week since you’ve updated… you’re slackin’! 😉 RYN: Thanks! I’m so happy about it, I could just burst!