Hey….Did you miss me?????

Hey there people!!! It’ s me!!! I’m back!!!!!!! I know I know…I have been missing in action for like a month or so right???? Well, let me tell you. As soon as I started school ….my life was officially O V E R!!! My first day of school was august 30th. Can I tell you, that I was suppose to read like 5 chapters already from this one book??? What???? I was already behind!! But I caught up fine. You know I totally forgot how much I had to read!! I have been reading so much that my eyes are on strike! They don’t want to see words any more! But other than that, school is actually ok for me. I am a little lost in my statistics class (who wouldn’t be, it’s stats with a bunch of crazy ass formulas that I will NEVER use in my life)…….but my intro to public policy is great!

I’m sure you are wondering if I am still with the man. Well……I am!!! Everything is going well so far. I’m sure something will happen soon. But for now it’s good. He is not going to therapy any longer. I wish he would start back again, but I’m not going to pressure him. He has been stressed at work and has been upset lately. But, he is talking to me like a "normal human being" and not like a little kid. I am happy about that! You know….soon……we are going to have to meet each others parents!!! WOW….he brought this up, not me. I guess this means that he is rerally really really loving me and wants to meet my crazy family! Oh Boy!! Believe me I will let you know when this happens. I am going to need alot of prep talk!

Oh yea….my daddy was sick and had surgery this month. He is doing much better now. But he had a growth on one of his ribs. It was pretty scary. I was very very sad when this was happening. I hate seeing any of my parents sick. But the doctors were able to locate the growth and take it out of him. He is doing much better now. I have no idea what kind of growth it was. I am just happy that it’s out of his system! I realize how much I love my father and what my parents really mean to me.  They both are really great. I am so lucky to have both parents in my life. I really am…..

Well, I am still at this damm job!!! People are getting on my nerves still. Clients don’t listen to me and they continue to act out. I tell you…I have no idea as to why I am still here. It will be 3 years in November!!! I must like it here!!! I think it’ s the maddness and the drama that keep me here!!!

OK…I better run….I have to finish up some progress notes and do an assessment before I leave today. But…before I do, I will say that I will write more often!! It’s was just very hard for me to adjust to me new schedule in the beginning but I think I have the jist of it!!! OK people…let me run…..

You know what’s comming up right?? PILL TIME!!!! Yea!!!!!  Woooo Hooooo…….

Alrighty then….later days…


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September 26, 2006

YES, we missed you. Glad things are going well. Speaking of pill time, I need to take some cold meds before my throat goes on strike like your eyes! *hugs*

September 26, 2006

Glad your still alive and doing well! lol Looking forward to hearing from you more often.

September 27, 2006

Good to see you back.

Hell yeah we missed yo ass…I’m glad your back now I can share my drama with you…I know what your sayin yeah it’s always drama in Shun’s world, well you’re damn right because I am the Queen of Drama baby, lol… Well anyways I know what you mean about school, and to think all the studying I do I still find time to get into some drama, I don’t get much sleep but I make…

I’m glad to hear from you and WELCOME BACK!!! Holla At Cha Gurl ~Shun aka Oochie~

September 27, 2006

I was wondering where you disappeared off to! We missed you. It seems like things are going well or its better now.:D..good luck with school! *hugs*

September 27, 2006

thanks for the note 🙂 good luck with the school work and the man 😉

September 28, 2006

Hey you.. you were missed. I haven’t really written for a while but I still read everyone. Glad your doing so well and I know what you mean about your parents. Happy to know your dad is doing well. What type of pill are you talking about?

September 28, 2006

RYN: You are such a sweet person! I really appreciated all those nice things you said to me. You certainly made my day. Not often I heard such nice things. A spa day would be HEAVENLY. I’ve never done anything like that and have often dreamed of doing something like that.Hard to imagine time alone, no kids, no housework, no laundry, nothing just relaxation and pampering. {Drifts off to daydream}

September 28, 2006

re: thanks for stoppin by! & thank you for the kind words! okay, what kinda pills ya got & can I have some? lol! Where in NY are you? I’m a JoyZee girl & most of my friends are still in the area… mostly in Brooklyn. and you thought YOU were random teeheehe! (its the caffiene talking, I swear!) travel on.

September 29, 2006

re: damn! aren’t you a walking pharmacy!?!?! Vics are my fave but purely for recreational use & only once a month or so. I’m glad that they are helping & I hope that you stay well! I grew up right outside Paramus (Indian for “town of many malls” lol!) so didn’t hit SH very often. I also used to go to NYC & have the stores ship back to NJ to avoid tax! hahaha. miss it… sometimes. :} travel on!

October 2, 2006

hey! thanks for the add & the nice words of encouragement! this week is going to be hell so I’m not sure how much I can post but will try to entertain as best I can 😉 travel on!

October 3, 2006

Glad that your dad is OK. Your man will do anything to keep you in his life. Sounds like he really does love you a lot 🙂

October 5, 2006

I know what you mean. I’ve been at my job for 8.5 years. That is ridiculous! If I weren’t having a baby right now, I’d be interviewing!! But I’m going to stick around until the baby comes. Then I’m outta there!! Don’t stick around so long that you end up a fixture there!!

October 8, 2006

ryn: Thanks for your note. I know my MIL is trying to be helpful but I feel like she always wants control. She wanted to control our wedding, home renovations, etc. And now the baby thing is the last straw. I hate confrontations but I might end up losing it and going off on her *ss! I’m pretty mild mannered but I’ll just blame it on hormones when everyone is shocked.

October 10, 2006

I love that you keep coming by! Thank you so much! travel on.