Here A Pill……There A Pill……

You know something…I have been taking my pills like they are going out of style. I take them when I’m down. I take them when I am up. I take them where ever I feel like it. That is sad. But then I’m like don’t want pain do you??  I think I am getting more and more depressed about this. Which is bad cuz all I’ll do is what?? Take A PILL…then things will be fine. There are some of you who wonder what kind of pills I take. I take a lot. I have a blood disorder which makes me have a lot of pain. So, I have pain killers. Then I have pills for my depression. Depression you say?? Yes, DeeJ is clinically depressed. I know I don’t sound like it sometimes but I am. So I have anti-depressant pills as well. I just pop’em like candy. I sometimes mix the two which is really not good. But what are you gonna do?? I just say, well at least you’ll feel good.  Not to mention the other billion other pills I take for blood pressure, different heart’s carzy. I know you are thinking like..DAMM this chick is F* up!! But let me tell you, I sure don’t look it!!! I seriously take care of myself. I dress very neatly, my hair is always done…ALWAYS. I don’t play around with that. People are really shocked  when I tell them that I am sick. I do these things because I really don’t want to "LOOK" sick. People with the same thing I have look sick and feeble. And I will be dammed if I look like it. You know I have to remain FAB....But anyways……..

I sometimes feel high when I talk to clients and I get Mega Chatty!! But other times I just sit there like a zombie saying things like.."Uh huh…hmmmm…really? How did that happen?…or my favorite….tell me more about that….." I think I gotta stop with the pills soon. At least the anti-depressants. I can’t stop the pain killers. Even though I would like too. I have some friends say, DAMM I wish I had access to pain killers…. Let me tell you. I would rather have another eye on top of my forhead looking like a cyclops gone wrong, then to constantly take pain pills for what I have. When I say that, people are like….whooooo she is sick. But whatever….I don’t wish my worst enemy with what I have….well..maybe a little..

Ok…I feel much better ranting…It’s almost time to get my ass home. Come on 5 o’clock already. I just got out of a staff meeting which made me super tired!

Well….guess what time it is?? Time for a PILL..whooo hooo!!!

Have a great weekend KIDS…….

Later Days…


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April 7, 2006

Yeah pain meds make me spacey, and sometimes my anti-depressant I take for PMDD makes me a chatty cathy. I can relate a bit, though I don’t have a blood disorder. I blank out mid-conversation sometimes, sometimes even when I’M the one talking!

April 7, 2006

I used to be on anti-depressants. Do you have a lot of side effects?

April 7, 2006
April 8, 2006

I am meds for depression. I was just taken off Risperdal because it made me a basket case! But I think sometimes doctors tend to over medicate people. Meaning I tried therapy first , I really tried to deal with my depression, the mood swings, the dissociate happenings. I did this for about 2 years. I went faithfully to my therapist ( who was a intern) but she was good. But around 2004, I knew I

April 8, 2006

a problem. It took quite a few meds and I still have my days but I am lot better off than before!

April 8, 2006

Sweets i’m so sorry you have med issues.. i wish I could help. if it makes you feel better I take antidepressants I really don’t function well without them. I wish you didn’t have the pain though. Lots of love for ya… and BIG HUGS!!! and as always if you need to talk I”M HERE : )

April 8, 2006

sorry about the pill situation… ryn: oh no no jason is just a guy i know from school..i dont see him in that way either..hehe

April 10, 2006

ryn: thanks for the note..yeah i will try to get better quick..cuz this whole laying in bed thing sucks…take care

April 12, 2006

pills? What pills? Are you sick hon?

April 12, 2006

I’m glad you wrote this – and I am glad that you did it in a humorous kind of way – it shows what a strong person you are. Hugs jen