HELLO FRIENDS!!!! It’s me!! I just had to write that:



I am sooo happy !!! I love that little boy!!! He is the best. On Sunday..I made hima a birthday cake. It was a lemon cake with cream cheese frosting. It was sooooooooooooo GOOOD!! He ripped into that cake like it had gold in it! It was soo much fun! He is the sweetiest!  We celebrated on Sunday because everyone had to work today. But it was a beautiful day Sunday and we played outside and had a blast!!!! YEAHHHHH!!

OK…..well….getting back to me……….Nothing has been happening that is really worth discussing. I am still at this damm job with these damm bitches and crack heads. My supervisor is still a psycho-paranoid troll....and I am as always swamped with work! But I try very hard to keep a staright face. I have been feeling a little down lately because of all the work I have to do;  it is really not fun. I want to take a vacation so bad but where am I going?? I just might ditch work and go to Six Flags Great Adventure with some friends of mine. We were talking about it. I just might do it cuz I need some excitement in my life. But….everything is going well with me and my man. He is very sweet and we have not been arguing lately. Our sex life is going really well , I must say. I may feel depressed but I got a happy look on my face damm it!!! But yesss….everything else is going pretty ok…

Oh…I was talking to my doctor and he did mention that I might need to get a blood transfusion soon. Not to be scared…I’ve had them before. When my hemoglobin gets low…I need to have a blood transfusion. It’s part of what I have. I’ll be ok. I just hate the way I feel afterwards. My mom and dad said that they will be there for my every step of the way. My boyfriend too. At least I have a few people that will care about it.

Anywho…I can’t wait to get off work. I am waiting for one of my clients to come in and she is late. If she is not here in 20 minutes..I’m leaving!!! These damm kids….I swear. They are mandated to see me and they still don’t show up!!!! Crazy! I’m am going to treat myself to shopping at Forever 21 to get some tops for the summer! They are having a sale! Wooo Hooo!

Anyways, let me run…Gotta take a pill……Yummmmy!!!

Later Days….


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May 9, 2006

I hate it when people are late. Happy birthday to nephew! 2 is such a fun age! My father-in-law has to get blood transfusions every now and then too.

May 9, 2006

I love how upbeat you stay – its awesome

Oh Lord the Terrible 2’s …lol… Well wish your nephew a happy Birthday for me and I hope he isn’t as terrible as my 1 year old

May 10, 2006
May 10, 2006

*hugs* I know you are a strong person and you will be fine 🙂

May 10, 2006

You should go to my last entry and add your fantasy to the list.

May 10, 2006

RYN: Thanks. You’re totally right! Everything else is perfect except for the smaller size. I can get used to it though. This apartment is too big for me anyways!

May 10, 2006

the forever 21 in the galleria right? I like to make fun of that store sometimes cause it’s so girly and I’m not. Just for fun. I hope that you find some nice tops!

May 10, 2006

awww two years old??? happy birthday to him….hehe

May 11, 2006

RYN: That’s pretty cool.

May 12, 2006

RYN: Thanks!!!