Easter Bunny Hoppin and Boppin….

Woooooo…hello everyone. I am Jammin with my new station I found. I’m on this new thing called HD Radio on line.  (I knowI am late on things…just let me be happy!!)Let me tell you. I have been jammin all day with my Old School Hip Hop and Rand B!!! What?? I just heard Tribe called Quest..and now I’m listening to Chaka Kahn….(I feeeeeel for Youuuuu!!)  OHH now it’s Dr. Dre….(Ain’t Nothing but a "g" thing bayyy baee) Ok Ok…let me get back to my entry…..

Well, My easter was not too exciting…..My nephew was really sick and was taken to the hospital!! He has the "runs" and was poopin everywhere! But he is doing much better already. Even though my dad is a doctor and my mom is a nurse..they didn’t know what to do with him. It was pretty bad. But now, he is doing better. They gave him some antibiotics…I hope that lil guy is ok. He is such a joy!!! I love him sooo much….

Anywho…I was went to my friend’s birthday party this weekend at this club in New York called "Blu". Can I tell you how HOT I was? And I don’t mean the way I looked….I felt like I was partying in HELL!! Yikes. My make up…..all gone…..my cute shirt I had on……stuck to my body. By the time we left, my hair was a big ‘fro….looking like I just stepped out of Studio 54! And my face?? I looked like a racoon…with a ‘fro!! But I had a good time. My friend has a lot of friends. She is pretty popular. Unlike me…Ms. Antisocial. But…anytime we do go out and "do it up big" she invites this guy name Murry. Now..ok…he is cute..but then he has his days of looking real weird. I dunno. But any way, he was at the party. We were dancing and he has a tendency of dancing like he is in a porn. No lie. It is sexy..And…it’ s really HOT!! So…who does my friend make me dance with?? That’s right..Murry. But he was looking real cute that night. So ok…we started out just dancing…you know..with space between us…Now remember..it’s hot as Hell in this place plus…so many people were there. Then they start playing reggaton...I really don’t like it..BUT…..Alcohol…plus…a semi-cute man..plus body action…equals what?? Yea…..you got it..Bumping and Grinding!! My man would just shoot me if he saw me. God Lord. But….why does my friend have pictures of this event??? She has a picture of this guy kissing the back of my neck……yea….and..holding my from behind..very very closely. WOOOOOOO!!! Out of control…it was crazy..But I did have a nice time. I do think if I was really really really, really, really, really, really, DRUNK……something might of happened after the club. But even before I met my man….I had a little crush on Murry. But that all went away when I met my man. I think?????? I got that really weid feeling inside my stomach when I saw him……Hmmm….I dunno what that’s about. I do love my man. But I sure was bumping and griding with Murry..Bad Deej…(slapping my hand)…Bad DeeJ…

OK….well….I am about to go out to dinner with a friend of mine for her birthday. I have no money but I’m about to take this hoochie out!! What a good friend I am….Better take a Pill!!!

Talk to you soon…

Later Days…


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April 17, 2006

It was just dancing. (Though some say dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire). Go easy on yourself – nothing really happened, right? Sorry about your nephew. Poor baby! That’s just, well, sh*tty, if you’ll pardon the pun, to have on Easter!

April 17, 2006

Sounds like fun!

April 17, 2006

you were just dancing – just make sure not to bring it up to your man. =)

April 18, 2006

Heh. This entry made me laugh more than once. I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much over the Murry deal. And, I get the same feeling in my stomach from time to time with certain guys other than my boy. I think (hope!) it’s natural.

April 18, 2006

RYN: Thanks. I look forward to your answers.

April 18, 2006

bah! nothing happened…ur entries make me smile.. awww hope your nephew is better… oh and post pics!!!

April 19, 2006

heheh you are so funny. The radio you talked about, is it like yahoo online station? I use that one at work.

April 19, 2006

ryn: feel free.