Cat Scratch Fever???

I am a mess….I have been sick sick sick….and you want to know why??  Three words:

CAT      SCRATCH       FEVER!!!!!! **********

I know I know…..your wondering what the hell am I talking about. Well it’s true. I caught it from one of my cats. Let me just tell you about it. First of all , it is actually called cat scratch disease and it is not fatal! My cat, aparently scratched my hand causing me to get a bacterial infection. My doctor tells me that this can happen to any cat no matter if they go outside or stay in doors. The cause of the bacteria is unknown. This caused my Lymph nodes under my armpit to swell. Mind you this makes you have severe pain in your lymph node and have fever/chills, hince the name cat scratch fever. Under my left arm pit is where the infection went to and let me tell you. I am in some crazy azz pain!!! I have fever/chills all damm day long. I have been feeling like I wanna throw up almost every minute. This is absolutly crazy. Last night my fever reached 102.7. I thought I was seeing things!!! I was hot then cold then hot then cold. It was horrible. I am still feeling sick too but my fever went down to 99.5. So, I am at work. I am feeling kinda fever-ish but I think I can make it through the rest of the day.

WOW….and I though Cat scratch fever was just a song!!! It totally sucks and I hope everyone that reads this knows that it is a real thing!

My boyfriend has stepped up to the plate and went food shopping for me! I needed a couple of things and he took it upon himself to go shopping for me. I was like….hmmmm it he still trying to redeem himself from the other time I was sick?? Hmmm….maybe. But I was thankful for him. I was so thirsty too. I am on antibiotics and they make you so dehydrated.

Oh SHIT!!! My client is here. Well people…let me run…I am soo sorry I have been missing i n action…it’s because I could not type let alone speak with my cat disease!!!

We’ll talk again…better take a pill too!!!

Later days…..


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February 2, 2006

Oh my gosh, I hope you start to feel better soon! That sounds horrible to deal with. Thanks for the warning though, we have a cat so it’s always nice to know what the little booger could do to us! lol Glad the boyfriend stepped up and helped you out some through all this. Take care!

February 2, 2006

oh ma goodness.. hope you get better!…was wondering what happened to yah.. glad that the bf is helping out too… take care <3

February 3, 2006

WOW…I’ve never heard of it..I’m sooooo sorry and hope you feel better …I’ve missed reading your entries… MAKE THE BOY MAKE YOU SOUP!! Take care sunshine

February 3, 2006

Just stopping by to say hello!

February 3, 2006

I can’t get the cat scratch fever song out of my head. I have to make this quick since i’m still new if you talking about adding someone to your favorite list..when your reading there entry on the right where it says there profile crap there will be something that says add to favorites thats what you click on and it will add that person to your favorites.

February 4, 2006

Get well soon. 🙂 In time of sick, a good boyfriend is a real help!

Hey DeeJ. Thanks for the note. I just saw it today. I don’t get inspired to write as often as some people. We can talk about OCD if you want to sometime. I’ll try to check my diary more often (but no promises). Sucks about your CSF. And I also feel some ticking of the clock, but I don’t rush anything. If it’s suppose to happen for me, it will, the “right” way, and in due time when I feel ready.

February 6, 2006

Yikes!!! I hope you feel better soon!!