These people at my job just get on my nerves. Don’t you hate it when people you don’t even speak to in the office come up to you, put on a fake-ass smile and ask you, "Oh how was your Holiday??"   Are you F***in’ Serious???? Knowing your stink ass does not even give two shits about me or how my holiday was…..!!!  You say nothing….not one word to me all year long….and now you have the gall to open your mouth to ask me about my holiday??? PAAAALLLEEAASSEE…….

This is the type of shit I hate. You know you don’t like me.. All year long you have given me looks like I am from outer space with a long blue tail comming out of my ass…….and now you want to say something?? BITCH!!!…I can see right through your transparent ass…..Do me no favors…and keep it moving….

GOD!!! I feel much better!!! Whewwwwwwww……

Sorry about politics….Can’t stand some people I work with!!

Later Days!!!!!


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January 5, 2006

I just LOVE to see you go off. Tee Hee – so mean of me – eh? and a blue tail? Can you swing by that thing? LOL

January 5, 2006

It’s always good to vent! I can’t stand some of the people I work with either!

January 5, 2006

It’s like Dr Ass here–when his asst was going to leave, he was suddenly treating me like a human being instead of completely ignoring me. And I’m just like, uh..too little too late.

January 5, 2006

lol Glad you feel better! People can be such idiots sometimes if they think others can’t see right through them.

January 6, 2006

Oh man! I totally feel you on this one! Thats great. I hate it when people are fake and act like they care! Hey, thanks for the thoughts for my family and my brother while he is in Iraq! That means a lot to me…thanks again.

January 7, 2006

Hey! Thanks again. I added you as a favorite. Hope you don’t mind. 🙂