Bad weekend…

Hello again. Well, I had a terrible weekend. I have been sick since thursday with a sore throat and a fever. Now, my boyfriend came to my house on Wednesday night. He spent then night but my sickness was not full blown yet. On Thursday morning, however, I could not get up and go to work. So, my boyfriend goes to work. It was ok, I did not mind. He called me through out the day, which was nice. I went to the doctor who told me I had la-rin-gitis (I can’t spell it). I got antibiotics and everything. My boyfriend called me and made sure I was ok. Alright…here is where the story gets bad. So he tells me at the end of his work day, around 4pm, that he was going to stop by but after he sees his friend Damon. His guitar buddie. Fine I thought. Ok…..that was at…4pm. 5 goes by, 6 goes by, 7 goes by. I get a call at 8pm. He said that he was going to be unable to make it because he was running around with Damon. I thought ok…he dissed me for his friend. BUT…I will forgive him because he can come by tomorrow. So we set the time for him to come the next day, Friday. OK, so I am still sick and I am even worse. I can’t go to work so I am still home. So, again he calls all day long to check up on me. He then calls me at the end of his work day, at 4pm. He says to me that he will bring me dinner since I am sick. I said great. He stated that once he leaves the gym, cause he goes to the gym every mon, wed, and fri, that he will come by. I thought, Good, he will bring me dinner. So I wait, and wait, and wait. He called me at 4pm. I waited and waited untill he called me at guess what time?? 10:30pm!!!! Remember, I am very very very sick. I waited for this asshole to bring me food. He calls me and says, oh baby, I came home and fell asleep. I am so sorry. I was PISSED THE FUCK OFF!!!!!!! How the hell did he expext me to forgive him when I am dying sick. He told me that he would bring me dinner!!! Shit I live in the suburbs…..if I want something to eat I would have to either order it for myself or get in my car and drive to get it. I was in no shape to drive for food. He totally made me feel like an ass for waiting for him. Mind you, I look like the living dead and I was in no shape to do anything. I yelled at him like he was hard of hearing. I told him how he made me feel like a fool and that I should not have to deal with his shit. I am sick for god sake and he promised me he would come by and bring dinner. Now, not only was I sick, I was hungry with nothing to eat. So you know he heard it.
I hung up on him, he kept calling me back. This went on for a few hours. He totally fucked up. I am by myself sick, looking like I died and came back to life with nothing to eat. He tried and tried to apologize but I would not hear it. So I went to bed hungry that night.

Then on Saturday, he calls at 8am to try and come over. I put him through it. I finally gave in at 4pm.I think the medication made me a little soft. He comes over with a box of tissues, soup, vicks vapo rub, and his dumb smile. I was so pissed at him. If I did that shit to him while he was sick, he would have broken up with me. Men can be so stupid sometimes. I still think he thinks he is off the hook. Man, I was so sick and I was alone. I hate it when guys promise you things and they don’t do it. He does this shit on top of telling me that he does not want to hang with me on the day we met which is the day before thanksgiving.

I seriously don’t know about this relationship. It baffeles me sometimes, actually everyday. I just don’t know…
Well, it’s Sunday and I am still sick. Not sure if I am going to work tomorrow. I just might. I am sick of being home. I am sick of being sick!! (sniff, sniff)
OK… to you…
Later days..

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November 21, 2005

Feel better!! Laryngitis is not fun!! What a mean thing for your boyfriend to do, make you wait around for him when you’re sick!! I would kill my husband if he had done something like that, especially now, but even if it was before we were married! I hope things get better soon! and good for you for hanging up on him and making him call a million times! That’s awesome!!

November 21, 2005

Men seem to have this constant issue with trying to behave. If only they would realize that they would get ass a lot more if they would just do as they were told…hehe

November 22, 2005

Girl you deserve a man who will be there especially when you need him the most! He should have had the chicken noodle soup and tissues the next day instead of going with his friend.YOu know why men act like that? Because they can because we let them get away with it 🙁