Are You There GOD??? It’s Me DEEJ!!!

Wow!!!!!! I’m Back!!! Haven’t been here in a while! I hope I was missed!!! Anyways, I just wanted to pop in to tell  a few things going on.

Well I start school August 30th. I am nervous and excited at the same time. I am looking forward in getting a second masters, but I’m not looking forward in doing papers and being stressed! Hopefully it will go by fast like college and grad school did.

I am still at this job being stressed by these damm ungrateful kids. Can I tell you, my job got free gift certificates from Old Navy to give to the families that need it the most. The gift cards were from $250 to $400!! That’s alot of clothes right? So, I decided to pick one of my neediest families and take them to Old Navy yestreday. The mom, lets call her "Liz" and her daughter , let’s call her "Sue"  went with me to the Od Navy right by my job. I thought that this was going to be fun. BOY was I wrong. First of all, I am waiting for these damm people for over an hour. I know 5’oclock does not sound like 6 o’clock, right? So they get to the store at 6pm. Mind you I wanted to be home by 6:30….didn’t happen. So, here come Sue, all mad. I was like what is wrong? She is like, I really don’t like old navy clothes, it’s wack. Can we go to Bloomingdales instead??? WHAT??  I wanted to curse at her right there. She is so ungreatful. The her mom Liz, was like, just take the clothes because they are free. Mom really didn’t help me much trying to convince her the clothes are good. So we are walking around and this little girl hates everything she sees. She was bitter and had a smart mouth. I sooo wanted to slap the taste out of her little mouth. Why are kids these days so ungrateful?? My goodness, here I am trying to help her shop for school clothes, which I didn’t have to do, and she has the biggest attitude!! Geezz…I have to stop being nice. So yesterday was not the fun experience I thought it was going to be.

But anyways, The man has not gone to his therapy sessions in like 2 weeks. He has been busy at his job. It’s understandable, but I want him to go. He has not exploded at me with his anger lately, but it doesn’t matter. I want him to get the help. I think he is going to stop going eventually. He has only been to see the therapist 3 times. He is however, being very nice to me. It is nice to see him happy, but I don’t trust it. I still feel as though he can blow up at any time. 

OK, well let me run, I just wanted to drop a line to let you know I’m here and have been reading all my friend’s entries. I have not forgotten about my OD buddies.

Take care and I will write soon!

Later Days!


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August 11, 2006

Shoot, if they don’t want the clothes, I’ll take the dang cards! My kid sure could use it! lol And Old Navy clothes are way cute, IMO! Ungrateful brat – free cute clothes and snubs her sorry @$$ nose at them. I’m not all into corporal punishment, but that girl needed a whack to her butt.

August 11, 2006

what a brat! You should of asked the Mom if you could slap her.

August 11, 2006

I would love free old navy clothes!!

August 11, 2006

Like Old Navy clothes or not they were FREE! It’s infuriating how ungreatful kids are these days. I had a good laugh at the part where this family is “needy” yet the girl thinks her ungreatful butt should go to Bloomingdales to shop! lol Gotta love it. Hope your day is going better today. Missed your posts. Glad your back. And good luck with school!

August 12, 2006

When I was little we used to get clothing donations from people at my father’s job and I always loved getting them. I can’t imagine what kind of evil child wouldn’t love getting to pick out her own new clothes for free.

August 12, 2006

gah! what a brat…i admire the fact that you didnt blow up in her face….i surely would… ryn: I love rock music!

August 14, 2006

I would of took my gift cards and said the day is over. Screw that.. obviously there not that needy if she wants to go shopping at bloomingdales. There is plenty of other people that im sure will appreciate your kindness. Old Navy has very cute clothes..

August 14, 2006

Are you sure this kid was “needy” when she’s used to shopping at Bloomingdales?? Lots of people are “needy” i.e. poor because they spend the little $$ they have on Louis Vitton & BLOOMINGDALE CLOTHING!! My mom made me shop at the thrift store while I was growing up. I would have LOVED to have a gift card from Old Navy. I also know the value of money today due to the cheapness of my mom. Thanks ma!

August 14, 2006

it would have been awesome if you DID slap the crap out of her – what an ungrateful little ho

Best wishes.

August 24, 2006

yeah some pple are so ungrateful and demanding. Should we export them to the 3rd world? Maybe they will appreciate the help they have more.

Hrm, I love Old Navy; but I can understand why a child wouldn’t, many of the clothes are very preppy. I would have hated Old Navy as a child. Children are so brutally honest, huh? Sorry you had such a bad day, though.

September 7, 2006

so where you be?

Damn Dee, where in the hell are you…shit get your ass back on this mothaf**cka we miss you, lol ~Oochie~

September 15, 2006

well, no wonder they don’t get blessings, honey. they remind me of most of the patients we get—so UNGRATEFUL!

September 22, 2006

hey I am gonna be in new york october 6th hopefully we can meet up

September 24, 2006

dang gurl where are you!

September 26, 2006

RYN: hey stranger!! you need to update so we know what’s up with you! good to hear from you hun!