And The Plot Thickens…..

Helloooooooooooooooo again. It’s me…..Well….do I have somethings to tell you guys….

OK, So, guess who calls me three days after???? You guess it, my boyfriend. So he calls and tells me, get this, that the reason why he yelled at me because his "Dog was in Danger". WHAT??? Your Dog was in danger? Of what?? What exactly was I going to do to his stupid dog? Because I held the leash wrong?? You have got to be kidding me. So, when he said that, I started to laugh at him. I told him that he is one of those crazy people that would leave his last will to his stupid dog. I said that he was really crazy. He told me that I don’t "understand" what he is talking about because I am a cat person. He said, "Cat people don’t understand the importance of the leash". I thought I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone. Is he realy talking to me about a leash? I then told him that It was not about the leash, it was about what he said and how he said it. I told him his tone and the content of his words made me feel…Like Shit!!! I was yelling at the top of my lungs to him. (and that is very strange because I never yell…Never!) I told him he can not talk to me like a piece of trash! He then told me that I was being unfair and that I brought race into it!!! He said that I said, "Don’t talk to me like I’m a run away slave"! Well, I did say that…he was talking to me like a run away slave. What the hell…But he was pissed because I never brought race into our relationship. Even when we have argued before we never bring race into it. But I was very very very pissed off at him. I had every right to be. Now I apologized for doing that, but, I told him that still does not make it ok for him to talk to me like that. I told him that he has an anger problem and needs to get help. I will be dammed to be a punching bag for him. This is not the first time with his shit. I’m not dealing with it. He then stated to me that he does not want to loose me because he really loves me.  I told him to go to hell because if you love someone, you don’t talk to them like that. I then started to cry….I felt sooo much pressure in my head. We then decided to talk in front of each other instead of the phone. He wanted to resolve this…so do I but, I don’t know about being together for the long haul. He messed that up with his B. S.

So then we met on Saturday the 8th. I actually went to his house because my friend was having a BBQ, and lives right by him. So, you know I made sure I looked really good to see him. So I stepped inside of his house, and what’s there?? Flowers. I was like, What the hell is that for? He stated they were for me, and he got my favorite, African Violets. I was like Mother F*cker….we need to talk. I didn’t even take them. We talked about our relationship and how we have very good times. We also discussed that we have enough pressure from the outside world and that we don’t need pressure in our relationship. Yea, yea….and all that Bull….So, he told me that he would go to counseling for his anger management problems. Yea…I was  schocked too….He feels that he does have a problem and will blow up at small things. He needs to find other ways to deal with his anger, and not put them out on other people, like me. So I gave him a hug and told him that is a very brave step he is taking. He has an appointment to see a psychologist on Thursday.

So this is where I am with him. We are not "together" but we are not "apart". I told him I will be there for him during this time and will support him. But, I can’t help but feel hurt still.  I don’t know…Even if we don’t end up together …I hope this is a step to make him better.

OK…well, that’s the update!! I am at work now but I’m leaving early to attend my New student Orientation at my new school!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!!! I’m excited!!! This rocks!

Let me run…..Damm this was a long entry huh?? hahahaha…well let me go, wish me luck with orientation! Talk to you soon!

Later Days…..


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July 11, 2006

Wow. After 3 days I would have thought he was calling to apologize to you for how he treated you and not to lecture you on what you supposedly did wrong in his eyes. I’m glad you had a chance to talk though. And I’m really glad he’s taking the first step to managing his anger. I hope things work out for the best for the two of you, however they are meant to be. {{HUGS}} Good luck at orientation!

July 11, 2006

That’s nice of him to try. Maybe things will work out 🙂

Damn Dee hold the damn leash right, lol… Girl that is crazy how he gon blow up on because you weren’t holdin the leash right, I still can’t get over that… Damn that mothaf##ker really is crazy… I’m glad he’s going to get some help and I hope ya’ll relationship gets better… (((Huggs))) Oochie

July 12, 2006

passing by and read your entries.. The leash thing was an excuse to justify why he talked to you that way.. BULL CRAP – like you said, your a grown women and don’t need anyone bullying you around like that. But im happy to hear he reconizes it and is willing to get help. You gotta give him that at least. Just thought id say this.

July 12, 2006

Is there any chance you would mind answering a few questions for me about crime in your city and in Baltimore? Its only a how you feel kinda thing, I need it for a college paper. Please let me know!

July 12, 2006

you got a lot going on! Hey I am coming to nyc in octboer maybe we can meet up for a drink or something. Sorry you had to go through that, that really sucks!

July 13, 2006

I think I could see all the sign of abusive partner in him all over your entry. But I do commend you for being a supportive friend/girlfriend. At least, you motivate him to be a better person. Now he has to do his part. I wish him all the luck. You are such a great influence on him.

July 13, 2006

How nice of you about your offer. I thought you were a psychologist. I am torn between going to get Pyschology Degree or PA or MSW..I don’t know yet. Do you have any suggestions on what it is like to be a social worker?

July 13, 2006

RYN; no way, 1 day those vicodyns might come in very handy. or maybe i’ll take 1-2 before drinking for an extra buzz.

July 13, 2006

whoa… hmm im glad hes getting help tho.. im glad that you are supporting him through this…especially after he blew up on you like that.. *hugs* take care

July 14, 2006

that is great that he is willing to go to counseling for you. Says alot about him.

July 19, 2006

Hon, coming from someone who is married to a man with anger management issues (he’s never ever struck me, but can really turn me inside out with his words), who has gone the counseling route and all… it’s a long road and it never fully goes away. Be a friend, but definitely don’t get in it for the long haul if you have any reservations.

July 19, 2006

RYN: I saw a lady do the eye-jiggle thing on “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”, and thought “I wonder if I can do that.” And I could. LOL

July 20, 2006

Aren’t relationships great?? I’m glad you two (kind of) made up.