Ain’t that a Bitch??????

OK….hello people…it’ s me again……I just wanted to update you on things going on in my life as of now…

WEll, my dad is doing a lot better. He went in for some tests and they came back negative!!! So…don’t ask me what that means. I thought he had cancer…we all did. But hey, I am NOT complaining. He is going back to the  doctor of course for follow ups. Believe me I am happy about that!

Then…this morining we had a unit meeting with my supervisor. Guess what?? She announced that she is leaving the agency in December!!! She is going to move to San Francisco!! I was soooooooo SHOCKED!!! This little troll of a boss is actually leaving NY! Welll, I am kinda happy but also sad because I was able to boss her around and basically do what I wanted at my job. Now, someone new is going to come in and I might have to listen to them!!!! YUCK!!

Then…..School is really kicking my ass!! I have a midterm for my reserach and stats course next week. Talk about stressing out…My hair will fall out soon I know it. I hate math with a passion and now I have a midterm. Why couldn’t we have a paper or something. This really sucks for me. I have to waste my weekend studying stats! Who the hell wants to do that?? Shit….oh well…

Then…..I am going to a Halloween party!!! I am not sure how I am goinng to dress but you know….this is my only time of year that I can dress like a straight up hoochie mamma and get a way with it. OK, I have some thoughts on my outfit. I wanted to dress like a girl scout,lil’ red riding hood, or a playboy bunny. Now, I have the body and legs for all of these outfits, (especially the playboy bunny!!!!). But I am trying to figure out what I wanna do. Of course my boyfriend is like …you are not wearing any of that! But he has no say. I have no ring on my finger!!! hahahahaha!!

Well, I just wanted to update. So….hopefully my test goes ok, my outfit comes out fine, and my daddy is really ok.

Allrighty..let me run…..Talk to you guys soon….

Later Days…..


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October 19, 2006

Glad to hear the good news about your Dad. I hope the additional test results al come back just as good. Good luck on your midterms. Can’t wait to hear what you finally decided to go as for the Halloween party. lol They all sound fine.

October 19, 2006

Well, I will go on record as saying prayer changes things. I’m so glad to hear that your dad’s tests came back negative. Oh, and I vote for Little Red Riding Hood.

October 19, 2006

mannnn the troll is moving to the city i want to move to!! bah… im happy to hear that he is doing great!..and that everything is negative… phew! i vote girl scout…there are so many red riding hoods this year…and playboy bunny?..i see it alot…

October 20, 2006

I remember reading your entry about your dad but did not leave a note. I just didn’t know what to say. But now i am very happy for you and your family! Great news. Hope your new boss is better!

October 20, 2006

That is great news about your dad. Im happy to hear that. Im sure you will do great on your math test and you will look super hot in your outfit.

October 20, 2006

Good luck on your mid term. I’m just going to wear devil horns and a tail. I think.

October 20, 2006

ryn: you have to take pics too!…hehe.. yeah i was looking at new york too..but its hella expensive to live there..aye!..but im gonna keep looking into it…