6 Weird Facts about DeeJ

Hellooooooooooooo again!!! I was just reading some of my favorites’ entries and I was tagged by my friend DesertDoodle!! I have to write 6 weird facts about myself. This should not be hard because I am kinda weird anyway!! So here I go…..

1) I can touch my tonsils with my tounge!! It’s really crazy looking when I show people this! People get freaked out when they see this. My boyfriend hates it because I sometimes do it when we are kissing and he’s like "where the hell is your tounge"?? Crazyyyyy!!

2) I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of gas at the gas station!!! I am sooo happy when I have to fill up my tank! For some reason, to me it smells soooooooooo good! I know I’m killing a few brain cells when I really take in a deep breath but, I Don’t care! I can hang out at the gas station for hours!!!

3) I HATE HATE HATE feet!! I really do!! ( same thing DesertDoodle!) Baby feet and kid feet are ok, but adult feet?? EWWWW. They stink and have toe jam in them. Yuck! I especially hate to see crusty feet. I’m dark skinned and I hate it when I see other dark skinned people with out lotion on their feet! It looks like they have been kicking flour all day!! Ewwww!! I even hate pedicures! But I will make myself go, just so my feel look nice when I wear my shoes!!

4) I HATE HATE HATE Clowns! They Freak me out!! Yes, I hate Ronald McDonald too. All that face paint andbright colors makes me feel so uncomfortable. And yes…I saw the movie "It" by Stephen King, and I really hate clowns because of it! They are not in my life at all!!!!

5) I watch "Pee Wee"s Play House" on Adult swim all the time. I never miss an episode. I love this crazy show. Even if Paul Ruben was arrested for masterbating in a porn movie theater, I still love the innocents of this show. Plus it really rocks when your drunk!!!!

6) I like to pretend I’m the main character whenI watch movies that I know very well. I talk right along with the movie so I feel like I’m in themovie! That’s really sad because I know alot of movies. My favorite movie to act out?? Mommy Dearest!! ( NO……WIRE…HANGERS!!!!!!)

OK, so that’s some weird facts about me. I hope you enjoyed!! Oh….and I have to tagg some people, so here I go:

Giggle Fritz, DDFroger, Pissed Off Female, Antelope34, Ghetto-Love-Angel, and Momma2Angel04.  And to anyone else that wants to share their weirdness…..

Later Days!!


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July 20, 2006

random: I too hate clowns. I believe it’s called Coulrophobia. I have written about that several times in my diary. I do however love the movie “IT.” Although it does terrify me. I also agree that feet are rather disgusting. They get you where you need to go, but they aren’t much to look at. And to think, people have foot fetishes. Yuck! 😉

July 20, 2006

Something more we have in common – the feet thing. LOL My sister is terrified of clowns – also due to watching IT! And she hates dolls too after seeing “Talking Tina” on the Twilight Zone.

July 20, 2006

I’ll have to think about this for awhile. I hate clowns too…..they totally freak me out. Mimes too!

July 21, 2006

RYN: Thanks for the encouragement… I figured, if I can’t be real in my own diary, where can I be? 🙂 Oh, and I agree with ddfrogger – mimes are just – just – ewww.

July 21, 2006

you just had to tag me, didn’t you!

July 22, 2006

I hate feet too. I don’t own a single pair of sandles and the only time my socks are off is in the shower.

July 22, 2006

I could never get a pedicure just thinking about someone touching my feet makes me feel sick.

I hate clowns and balloons and when I look at clowns all I can think of is IT, and them damn balloons just about give me a heart attack, too bad for Dai Dai he won’t have neither one at his birthday parties…

July 24, 2006

Gosh you can touch your tonsils by your tongue…that’s extraordinary! hehehe

July 25, 2006

wow you can touch your tonsills with your tongue. That is unusal.