[feeling positive]

This morning, I filled out my graduation application. Tonight I will take it to school to have my program director review it and my transcript to ensure I have everything I need to graduate in May (which I do, I’m obsessive about checking so I know my list is complete).

Last night I spent three solid hours on a school project. I wrote a case study on a patient I saw at work (as part of a practical experience we have to work on). But – it is done! That is a huge project checked off my to-do list, which makes me feel great!

I have class tonight, then a day off tomorrow! I have not had a day off (where I didn’t have to either be at work or school) since the semester started the first week of January. I will likely spend the entire day studying, but it will still be great. And then… I have another day off Saturday! Perhaps that day will be spent making review materials for the two board exams I take after graduation? Or perhaps I am due a day to just sit on my bum and do nothing…? Probably a mix of the two.

There, two updates in one week 😉

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