
Wow, has it really been two months? I have been on regularly just reading, but haven’t had much to say. Sometimes I wonder if I am “outgrowing” this site. It doesn’t help that a lot of my faves have disappeared lately, so my reading list is dwindling. I’m still debating my future here, and will definitely post if I plan on leaving. I’m here for now!

So… what’s new?

A couple weeks ago I got my official notice that I had passed state boards for my license, and official notice that my degree had been granted (there was a delay because I had to transfer a class that I took my last semester at another school). I knew both of these things would be happening, but seeing it on paper makes it more real. Then I got my license in the mail! I am officially an LVT (Licensed Veterinary Technician), and all my hard work has paid off! It feels so good to have accomplished this! And so good to not have to study any more! Although I am considering pursuing a specialty certification in the near future. But that doesn’t involve school, just independent study and logging case hours, followed by an examination. You have to have three years full time experience as an LVT in your specialty field prior to sitting for the exam, so it wouldn’t happen just yet. I would specialize in emergency and critical care.

Things at work are good. I am still at the clinic I started with in May, and quit the other clinic officially at the end of August. I did pick up an extra shift at my current clinic to help out since we lost a tech, so I am working four days per week (46 hours). But we are slowing down, so this will probably be the last month, then I will go back down to the regular full-time schedule of three days (36 hours).

Greg has been working at his old construction job two days a week as well, on top of his normal full-time Ford schedule, so we have been doing well with money this summer! That has been nice. We are just saving everything we can. We did splurge on a new computer about a week ago, something we desperately needed. And we are continuing to set spending money aside for our Hawaii trip in March. I really have no idea how much to save for that… I’m sure it will not be cheap to eat for a week plus whatever excursions/sights we see, souvenirs, gas for the Jeep, etc. Any advice from my more travelled friends? Five months until our trip!

Not a whole lot new is going on around here. I can’t believe summer is gone and it is autumn already! We got the boat winterized this week. We put it off for a while, hoping to get out one more time, but the weather never cooperated. We barely used it this year due to our work schedules. It got the most use while we were up north in July, but has basically sat untouched since then. Hopefully things will be calmer next summer.

Ok, now to enjoy my day off!

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