So Bored.
So last week blowed….I fell out the bathtub. ..Broke a bowl and a plate…Didnt get the job…Bleh…I applied for a parttime job tho so I can have a lil extra money….Im visiting mamaw right now and heading back tomorrow…Got to work Wed and I dread it….Had fun chatting to ppl like old school times….Downloaded all kinds of new music…I need the net for real….John is my new chat buddy and it feels as tho I’ve known him for years..Strange but in a good way….Im so sleepy been sitting here forever didnt sleep well last night again….Is life gonna get any better? So idk….Mindy had fun at the beach and they brought me back a shot glass and some shells and sand with my name on it….So thats all I know for now until next time…
Sorry it was such a crap week, friend. Hope things pick up soon. You ok after falling out of the tub? I fell while showering once and it hurt like a mofo.
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I’m sorry hun. *hugs*
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That all sucks, love. I guess when you don’t have any one or anything else tying you to your part of the world it’ll be time to spread your wings and find greener pastures elsewhere. It’s scary but it is rewarding in the end.
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