Saw It In Half…


 I see its been exactly a month now…Lets see…Nothing has changed really just worketh…I’m in the lil tobacco world in a hole by myself…It has been pretty quiet…The other night I put in 2 applications for another job…I dunno if I’ll get it, but oh well…One is for an adminstrative assistant, and the other is watching kids like that has problems…People that I had talked to said it was really easy and its a state job therefore state benefits…I dunno though I’ll let you all know…2 weeks from now is our vacation….Me and mamaw is going to Hartford KY to visit Ray/Julie/And kids for a few days…My big bday is coming up in that week too the 13th…I’ll be big old 26…My goodness I’m getting old and still haven’t accomplished a thing…Mindy is failing her classes…We had to go talk to her teachers and shes been failing the tests, so they said for her to try harder…We took the net and her cell phone away from her…We got a 4-wheeler now, but she can’t ride it either…Its pretty way back behind my house all it consists of is woods and trails, We have went through a few trails and discovered some more oil containers…Yeah they do oil back here too…I guess thats about it thats been happening…I have no life lol…Until next time..


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September 26, 2009

Maybe Mindy took the break up harder than you thought :(. Hope she cleans up her act cos it would suck if she flunked out. Do you feel up to looking after kids with problems? Cos they can be a handful. Of course depends on WHAT problems. Some autistic kids are great. Watch out for ADHD kids or emotionally disturbed. Physical handicaps are easier. For what it’s worth, I think you’d be great at it.