Long TIME!!!



Its been a long while since Ive wrote in here my time has slipped by….Im in a hotel room so I thought I’d update. ..Im here at tradeshow again by myself blah…Life is ok just been working all the time…Mamaw is doing alright,  her sister has cancer and Ray my uncle contacted me said they may go see her Sat…She lives in Ohio so I’d like to see mamaw…Been since a week before Christmas since Ive seen here….My sister is doing good been married for two years in July…Shes going back to school for medical asst….Ray has took a new job 45mins away from were they live now and may move….Cindy is alright but been in bad shape….Her back is hurt and is talking bout retiring so if they let me may take her place….Work stresses me out but I’m still going…Dad and I dont talk much anymore he just bums me if I do….Bout every weekend I’ve dd ppl to the bar in Lexington. …People aew so funny I swear I crack up every time….We have broke down twice and the lady s car I drive finally died last weekend fun times….I get to go the management conference next month three days in Tn im excited im going to be Tammys guest woo!!…My cat is doing good lol shes still with me in my crappy apartment….I went to see Marylin Manson back in January!  I loved it I was three ppl back from the gate awesome show i’d do it again! So I guess thats all thats been goinf on in three months…I miss everyone on here hope everyone is doing good until next time..





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May 11, 2013

Girl, you need to have some fun! And a vacation that’s longer than 3 days. I can’t believe your sister’s been married 2 years. Wow. Time goes by sooo unbelievably fast. I feel old too. 🙁