Burden To The Truth…


 Well Thanksgiving is over and it doesn’t feel like Christmas time or winter for that matter…Which I’m not complaining I hate snow…I’m still working in Campton and all I dread the drive…Nothing really has went on as far as work and helping out the Ville like normal….I have a boring working life now soooo I have nothing really fun to tell…Just thought I’d update to say hey to my OD people…I wanna go visit mamaw before Christmas…I haven’t even went Christmas shopping yet bleh…I’m a procrastinator I assume and that will never change…Lora came in for Thanksgiving I saw her for about 5 hours tops thats it…I was working and never had much time and I begged her to stay but she wouldn’t what a friend haha…I know you read this…Mindy and Kraig moved over the weekend which is closer to me…I just saw her and they told me to come out this week I told her any day lol I never do anything….I’m stealing wifi again to update this old Diary and I swear I’ve been on here for years and nothing ever changes…I’m the same old me just depressed and lonley as always…Work is going to change I know it bc I heard we are not getting bonuses next year so why is the used to being a manager?…If so I may just go back to the Ville and knock down to a lousy cashier and try to find a second job…Life is grand I must say….I don’t know what will happen though I’m going to ask for a raise lol…I never talk to anyone except my work hands or the people at the ville I have an awesome life I’ll tell ya….I guess thats why I just don’t update anymore but I wanna still have my diary open…My kitty cat is getting fatter haha…I have pics of her on fb…So I guess that is all now….Until Next Time…



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December 4, 2012

We need to get you a hobby like sky diving or grizzly bear wrestling. That will help re-energize your life I promise! =)

December 4, 2012

I understand how you feel.

December 30, 2012

I understand how you feel too. I’m glad Mindy’s moving closer. Still, I think it’s about time for you to get a break… either work wise or whatever. Everyone needs a change sometime… unless they’re totally in love with their lives. Merry Xmas!