I’m gonna make a change
For once in my life…..
I’m not one to usually quote Michael Jackson, but i think that’s a very fitting statement.
I have to make a change.
For me. My self. My sanity.
God, this is gonna be tough, ain’t it?
How much of it can i do here? I’m not sure. But at least it’s one place out of many.
Sorry to any of you who have no idea what i’m blabbering on about. I just have “issues” that need to be dealt with, and this diary will be my way of keeping on track. So you can all look forward to a complete load of bollox from me for the foreseeable future.
The exists are behind you. Please form an orderly queue.
What else are diaries for? 🙂
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^^ what they said! Perfect place for any angst, hope whatever it is resolves itelf soonest and without too much pain
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