Strange Beds

Hi All from the UK,

…..where it is nearly 3 am and I cannot sleep! 😤I know why though, I really struggle to sleep when it is a strange bed. Does anyone else have that?

I am away from my usual place of residence (which is Peterborough, in the east of England) because I am away at a Christian retreat event. I will try and attach some pics before I go and attempt sleep because it is a glorious place to be and it seems that Spring has finally decided to make an appearence!

So, just to say a little about myself, I am a 42 yo male, from, well, you know where already. I am a into Fitness, gaming, TV and all that jazz…..but more than that right now I will not say because I can feel bed beckoning….wish me luck!!!😴



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May 11, 2024

I know what you mean about strange beds! I’ve slept in some very comfy and luxurious ones over the years in hotels, B&B’s and self-catering but there’s nothing quite like your own bed!

I only do the free social media  so my account here runs out every month and I have to keep signing up for another one!

I’m female, 59 and in Cumbria UK. Happily married to the bestest ever and we have a cat and 3 cold water fish that we call our babies!

I can’t do any sort of proper exercise as I’m physically disabled, in never-ending 24/7/365 pain and rely on a 4-wheeled seated Rollator to get around! I love animals, teddy bears, horror/psycho books/films, loads of other stuff and hates any sort of coffee but loves PG Tips tea,  and am a self-confessed yoghurt, milk and Monster Ultra junkie!

If you’re on Twitter or Instagram you get get me on there: Twitter – OhCobblers2That and Instagram – stickybear5660.

Good luck in bed beckoning!