
I guess I forgot to write yesterday. Not a lot has happened, though, so I don’t think it’s a big deal. I ran both days, and had trouble finishing, but managed to do it. Today is rainier and cold, so I’ll have to see if I still feel like running at lunch time. We had tacos for dinner on Wednesday, which were tasty, and made plenty of leftovers for lunch the next day. We made chicken Parmesan last night, because I had been wanting it since we went to Carrabba’s the other day, and I decided we could make it instead of my just getting it, and had something else, instead. It turned out great. I think it’s the best chicken Parmesan I have ever had, and I can’t quite figure out why. Maybe I added more salt to the breading than usual or something. I suppose I’ll just enjoy it, and try to do much the same when we make it in the future. Both nights, we watched Chuck on Netflix, and that was fun. I have seen quite a lot of the episodes, but didn’t always see how they came together, and I had forgotten rather a lot of it. I’m eager to get to the episodes I haven’t seen, though. We set up Megan’s loom last night, and I had time to play some Skyrim the past two mornings, so that was good. After dinner last night, Megan worked at trying to make a felted slipper, since she needs to find out if it will work before too long, so she can decide if that is what she will give to select people as gifts or if she needs to figure out something else. While she knitted, I tried to research stuff for a present for Matt. We didn’t get a ton of sleep the past two nights, and it’s starting to add up. I keep trying to get Megan to go to bed earlier, but she just doesn’t seem to want to do it. I guess it’s Friday now, so we will hopefully sleep in a bit tomorrow to fix it. I think next week, I will start to just go to bed and maybe that will get the message across that I want to go to sleep early when we are waking up early. Megan got invited by our neighbor to a gathering of local women at another house on our cul-de-sac, and she is planning to go to it. It’s tonight, so I will have the chance to make soup like I had planned, and maybe play a bit more Skyrim. I’ve accomplished a lot with this character, but am less and less interested in continuing to play with her. Still, I now have enough done that I am also reluctant to change gears. I think if I play tonight, I’ll try to focus on becoming the Thane in the last hold that I have left. Then I might follow some of the other main quest lines… perhaps the mage’s college. Anyhow, I guess things are coming along. If I just stick with this character, I’ll get to where perhaps I’ll play something else. I started to play Rocksmith before Megan and her friend showed up on Tuesday, but didn’t get it booted up in time. Perhaps I will play a song or two before Skyrim this evening. It would be good to make music again, but I don’t seem to have that habit any more.

Megan’s mom wanted us to open the presents they left for us (which I hadn’t seen), since there was something that Megan’s mom thought we might need to return. It was an iPad dock, which is now on Megan’s side of the bed, and was the source of our having stayed up late a couple of nights, now. It also means that we wake up to the same barely familiar song every night, because it only works with Megan’s iPad, and she doesn’t have any music on it, so it’s one of two songs. I kind of miss picking music to wake up to every morning, even if it means that I have gotten to read a bit more since I’m not doing that. To be honest, I’m not wild about it. I guess we’ll have to see what we can do to make it more palatable. Perhaps I could email her some more songs. That might work.

Anyhow, I guess things have been fine. I’m looking forward to just relaxing a bit this weekend, since we are likely to be busy again for pretty much every weekend for the rest of the year. My thoughts are such a jumble lately…  I guess from lack of sleep… or maybe just too much stuff I have going on in my head. I’m not really sure who we have bought presents for, or who we need to get things for. I just feel overwhelmed in a lot of ways. Perhaps sleep will help… and I could make some lists to help keep things straight, I suppose. I think I’ll just try not to worry about it for now, really….

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