
This weekend was not too bad. Friday was a slow day at work, which was much appreciated, and in the evening, we planned to go out to eat. It turned a little weird, because I wasn’t that hungry, and Megan wanted to go out on a date, so my indecision sort of made her upset. In the end, we went to the Thai restaurant, because that’s what Megan wanted, and even though I hadn’t wanted to go there, I also hadn’t really wanted to go anywhere else. Megan was kind of downcast, so I did my best to engage her and try to get her out of a low mood, and it worked to some extent. We tried some new things at the Thai restaurant, and Megan didn’t like either of them, which was disappointing. I didn’t think they were great, but I could eat them fine. We came home afterwards, since we both had headaches, and watched some Chuck before going to bed.

On Saturday, we had planned to go shopping, since there was a sale on yarn that Megan wanted to check out, and there were some things we wanted to pick up from Costco. Since the store with the good yarn was in a different direction than Costco, we went that way first, and got some lunch. I had a coupon for Chevy’s, from having filled out a survey, and it was close to it’s expiration date, so we went there. Megan was also still kind of in a low mood, so I suggested that she could have a margarita with lunch, since that’s something she likes, but doesn’t often do. Lunch was pretty good, and we then went to get yarn. The margarita had made Megan a bit happier, though the lackluster yarn sale and expired coupon didn’t help. We got a few things, and then headed on to Costco. We returned a couple of things, and then bought some food for the week and checked out the furniture, since Megan has grand ideas about changing the layout of our living room (as well as painting it), and new furniture would help with that… particularly since ours is rather threadbare and cat-clawed. I don’t like the idea of painting the room, mostly because I don’t enjoy painting, but also because most of the colors people pick are ones I can’t see. I know that non-color blind people don’t understand my concept of "no-color," but I am not inclined to like any color that I can’t actually distinguish. There is also the fact that Megan is taking it a different way than I would like. She has come to enjoy the white ceiling of the room as a Maryland thing and is going from there, but I still dislike it (and we used to be of the same opinion about it), and would like to go for a more cabin-like vibe, or perhaps a Medieval hall, which would also work with the ceiling beams. That doesn’t seem to be on the table, though, so we have come to loggerheads about painting the room, since neither of us will really even consider the other’s ideas. Still, despite my ambivalence about painting, I’m not opposed to rearranging the furniture (though I’m also not really excited about it, either, since I think what we have is fine). So, anyway, we did that, and then came home, since we had cold stuff. Once we put that away, we were both tired, and sat on the couch and watched Chuck for the rest of the evening. I had leftover Thai for dinner, since Megan wasn’t hungry, and around 10 or so, Matt and Ryan texted to see if we wanted to come over to visit them. We had let the chores that we needed to do go by without having addressed them, and I think we both just wanted to stay in, so we declined the invitation and went to bed.

We slept in a bit on Sunday, which was great, and then had oatmeal for breakfast, and got started on cleaning. I tidied up around the kitchen and dining room, and Megan mostly worked on running the roomba, and seeing if it would do more than one room on a given charge. It turned out it would, but it wouldn’t be able to find its way back to the dock afterwards, which is a problem. Anyhow, that took a while, and we were still tired, so we ended up sitting down for a while, and I nodded off for a bit, before getting things together for lunch, which was a prepared chicken from Costco (heated back up), instant mashed potatoes, green beans, and stuffing, since we had tons of instant stuffing left over from Thanksgiving. It was really tasty. We watched Chuck while eating, and that was the end of it. The kitties were adorable and snuggling together, so we sat on the other couch. We pretty much just watched Chuck for the rest of the day, and are on the last season, now. I had leftovers from Chevy’s for dinner, and shared with Megan, and we had snacked earlier, as well. We didn’t get a whole lot done, honestly, but it was nice to just relax for a day. I had a tremendous headache for most of the day, so having the chance to not do anything much was appreciated, and we went to bed early.

This morning, I felt a bit better, and got up to do yoga, which also helped me feel better. I looked up some new podcasts, so today I am trying some new things out, which is cool. I spent a fair amount of time this weekend meditating with the lingam that my mother-in-law gave me, and I think it’s something good. Megan has expressed some skepticism, which I don’t think is helping me very much, but I’m feeling some effects. I can feel myself coming into alignment, and finding a place of peace and perspective. I think I will try to keep it up, because it is working… whether or not that has to do with my believing it will work has very little to do with it, since it is working.

We don’t really have anything planned for New Year’s Eve, though we did buy some pork roasts. We still need to pick up a few other things, but it seems like we will probably stay home, though Megan has expressed interest in going out somewhere, since we have never done that before. I suppose I could ask if she would like to do that… and maybe see if Matt and Ryan want to go, as well. I suppose I will see what she thinks tonight.

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