Mists of Memory

I had a long weekend this week, because of a snowstorm, which was a blessing for me.

 On Friday, I think we just stayed in and watched Netflix. Megan probably worked on her knitting. I can’t remember what we ate, or what we did, honestly, so I just kind of figure that, since it’s something we often do.

On Saturday, we made plans for the gifts we are making, and went out to buy supplies for those projects. I think we had breakfast at home, and then ended up going to get cheeseburgers near the craft store. We considered some other options, but wanted to avoid going to the mall, since it was going to be crazily busy. We went to a Cheeburger Cheeburger, which I usually forget is there, and when I mention it, since we’ve only been to one once before, we don’t usually give it further consideration. It was nice, though, and was rather different from other burger places, so we might end up going there again in the future. Afterwards, we went to Michael’s, where Megan had a good coupon and there were good sales, so she got a lot of yarn, and I got gift bags for the food I planned to make. After that, we had planned a trip to Costco for ingredients and food for the weekend. Megan talked to her mom on the phone while I drove there and got gas. We were there until pretty late, and stopped and got pho on the way home, because Megan wanted bubble tea. I think they run out of tapioca at the end of the night, though, because there wasn’t any in our drinks. I still really enjoyed the soup, though. We then made one last stop at the grocery store for a few other things. When we got home, we got things put away and I think we might have watched a bit of TV before going to bed.

Sunday was our day to work. Megan knitted all day, and I cooked all day, making the fun snacks that we are giving to people with the knitted goods that she is making. We have a few regular presents, as well, and I had to pare back the recipient lists, because I could only make so much, and it took me pretty much all day to do that, though I also made fried rice for lunch (since I had needed egg whites for one of the things I made, and that was the best use I could come up with to use the yolks), and I had stew getting ready in the slow cooker… so I really made things happen, but was also really tired when all was said and done. I had finished cooking around the time that we had dinner, and we watched more Chuck on Netflix, and then Megan helped me to wrap the food up in the packaging, after having figured out how many people we could send things to. I think we went to bed after that, because it took a good bit of time to pack it all up.

We were both pretty tired then, when we woke up on Monday morning. I had a two hour delay on account of the snow, and Megan had the option to use leave, and she was pretty upset about not getting the delay, since it was snowy. She decided to take two hours, and we went back to sleep. When we got up in two hours, she still didn’t want to go, but I was going to. She wanted me to stay home, though, so I did, and we both took care of some things. We had some leftovers for lunch, Megan worked on knitting, I ordered some presents for my nephews, and looked for and decided not to send additional gifts to some people, since it would cost too much. We did this and watched Chuck for much of the day. The snow really failed to get any worse, so since it wasn’t bad, we ordered pizza for dinner, which was good… and we ended up going to bed fairly early and planned to get up early, as well.

On Tuesday, we got up early, and I had been given the day off, and Megan had not. She was upset once again, though I checked the roads, and there was nothing there at all, so it seemed like that was the appropriate choice… though we found out that the snow was coming later in the day, and was going to be pretty heavy. Anyhow, Megan ended up going to work, and I stayed home. I helped her get ready, had breakfast, and then played Skyrim until I had lunch… which was later than I thought. I then wrapped a couple of presents, and was going to watch some anime on Netflix, but it was all subtitled, and I prefer to watch it dubbed… particularly since I was doing something that I needed to look at while doing it. I tried two anime shows, and was finished wrapping the presents by then (since a lot of mine haven’t arrived yet… which I’m starting to become concerned about), so I decided to scrap that plan and start to clean up the house. I think there was a lot to work on, and since we are having some people over on Friday, I figured it had better get done. I washed some sheets, and put away a lot of things, though I’m sure it didn’t look like I had done as much work as I had, since a lot of what I did wasn’t obvious. Megan texted to try to figure out what to make, but I didn’t have any ideas, so when she got home, she had a snack, and we watched more Netflix while Megan knitted, and then I made chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and salads for us for dinner, and we went to bed fairly early last night.

Neither of us slept very well, and we had a rough time getting up this morning. I didn’t end up having time to myself, which happens, but I guess Megan won’t, either. I have a ton of podcasts, and I’m not going to get through them today, but I’m happy to get on with my other reading. I went running today, despite being tempted not to, since it was very cold. Still, at least the ground was dry, and the sidewalks were well-salted, so it was safe, and I felt better having done so. I’ve been spending a lot of time catching up on things today, particularly the things I needed to reschedule after we were off. I guess I’ve been doing fine, but there is still more that I will need to work on tomorrow. I guess it’s been going just fine… though we still have this show to go to on Friday, and we were going to celebrate Yule this weekend, and I’m not sure if everything will get here by then. I suppose there are a couple of days, still, so I’ll just see if it does.

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