
Not a lot happened yesterday. I went for my run and made the whole thing again, which was nice. I read some, and didn’t quite finish my podcasts. I could have listened to them on the way home, but preferred listening to my audiobook. I worked a half an hour late, since I had arrived a half an hour late, so I got home a bit late. Megan was knitting on her machine when I got home. We talked a bit as she finished up, and then she helped make dinner. We made blackened tilapia, mashed potatoes, and roasted Brussels sprouts. Megan overspiced the sprouts, and they took too long to cook, so we didn’t really eat them. Later, I took them out and heated up the last of the brownies with the last of the ice cream. It was nearly 8 when we had finished cooking, so we ate and then watched SHIELD… and then some shows that came on after it, since Megan was still knitting, and I ended up doing some exercises. I started with the planking that I had forgotten to do yesterday, and then moved on to lifting some weights, and eventually putting away leftovers. We then took showers and went to bed. We fell asleep fairly quickly, since it was late by then, and we were both tired this morning. Megan didn’t try to go in early since we had gone to bed late, so I didn’t figure I would get to play my game. That was good, because I didn’t. I did, however, make coffee, and made up salads for the two of us (and I’m having soup, as well), so that was good. I left on time, and made it to work just fine. I am nearly finished with my audiobook, and expect to finish it this evening. I’m rather enjoying it, so I might just end up buying the next one after this. I will definitely read the next book in some format, but listening to an audiobook is not something that I had expected to enjoy… and while there were some things that bothered me, like not being able to see how some things were spelled… particularly since I knew things about the world in which the book takes place… but overall, it has been nice, and allowed me to get through a book that I wouldn’t have been able to read for some time, since I have so many other books that I have been meaning to read. They do tend to cost a bit more, though, so I’m not sure if this is a habit I can keep up… or rather, should… since I’m sure I could… it would just cost more money than I might feel comfortable spending. I guess I can decide that in a little bit.

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