Holding Out

This weekend, while busy, was at least not quite as exhausting as I had expected.

I got home at a reasonable time on Friday evening, and we didn’t have plans for dinner. Megan suggested that we go out on a date, so we went to Carrabba’s for dinner. We got a seat at the counter, which Megan likes to do, and there were a lot of new things, so we took our time and had tried some new things after having some calamari. Overall, it was nice. The dish I got wasn’t as good as other things I often get at Carrabba’s, so I probably wouldn’t get it again. Anyhow, it was a nice evening, and we came home afterwards. It was still early, so we watched some more Chuck, and Megan crocheted a bit, and then we went to bed.

We got up relatively early on Saturday, and got to tidying up the house a bit until one of Megan’s friends from when she was little came and we went to breakfast with them. We had Bob Evan’s, and it was pretty good. Since it was a bit later than we had anticipated, we ended up eating a bit less than we normally would have, so we would still be hungry for lunch with Megan’s other friends, who were coming around lunch time. By the time we got home, though, they were there, and had already eaten. We sat and talked for a while, and took turns napping… not on purpose, we just fell asleep. First it was Amy, then Christy, and then Me. Megan didn’t fall asleep. We talked and waited for Matt and Ryan to arrive. They were running a little late, and after the three of us had napped, we had a snack, instead, since it was still rather early for dinner, but we were hungry, since lunch was light (or non-existent), and there was plenty to eat. While the snacking was dying down, Matt and Ryan finally arrived with Darwin (their corgi), and we talked a bit more, and then eventually decided to play Elder Sign, a Cthulu-themed game that I bought for Matt for his birthday… which is in April… which we have yet to have played… despite their having brought it over several times. It was fairly fun, if a bit light, and we won the scenario, so that was cool… though it was pretty complicated to start with. I appreciated that it was a cooperative game, at least, so we all worked together to accomplish that goal, which was nice. Jim came home while we were playing the game, and afterwards, we went out to dinner. We tried a new restaurant that is quite close to us, but in a nearby residential neighborhood right on the water. We had to wait about a half an hour to get a seat, and sat at the bar, and got some drinks while we waited. During that time, Megan looked up where the restaurant is located on a map. As it turns out, this is a restaurant that has reopened that we could kayak to (in warmer weather). We had heard about that before, but didn’t realize that this restaurant was that restaurant reborn. That was a cool surprise, and we’ll have to give that a try some time. Once we got seated, we ordered a bunch of appetizers, and then our meals. We had a lot of people, so we got lots of appetizers to try, and that was cool. I got wings and chili, both of which were good… though the chili was really sweet and very hot, and came with jalapeno corn bread, which didn’t help matters much. Still, it was a good restaurant, and we had a good time with friends, and then headed home. We hung out and talked, tried some of the wines that Amy had brought (and I had a gin and tonic), and ended up playing Fishbowl. I don’t like Fishbowl. I think I’m just not a fan of being the center of attention like that. Anyhow, I had a bunch of wine while doing that, and everyone else seemed to like it okay. Afterwards, we just talked for a while, and then Matt and Ryan decided to head home. We then talked a bit, cleaned up a few things, and went to sleep… around midnight or so.

I think I had a bit too much wine on Saturday, because I didn’t sleep well that night. Megan wasn’t feeling well, so when I woke up around 7, nobody else was up, and Megan was still pretty sleepy, so I got up and played some Skyrim. I quite appreciated the chance to just do something by myself in this storm of people, and I got maybe an hour and a half of play in before I heard people stirring and turned it off to go get Megan up, put on non-pajama clothes, and go hang out with people. We were all pretty tired, but eventually decided to go get a small breakfast at a creperie nearby, and brought it back and had coffee and crepes… then played Apples to Apples and talked for a while, until it was lunch time. We then went out to a Chinese buffet, and then Amy and Christy headed home. Megan and I came home, and watched Chuck some more. I looked up stuff for Thanksgiving, and Megan worked on more crocheting. We finished out the first season, and did one episode of season two before showering and going to bed. We didn’t sleep terribly well, but got up early and got ready. Megan was slow to get ready, but I still had some time to play my game, which was nice, since I stopped right in the middle of something. Unfortunately, I guess I had gotten used to playing for a longer period of time, because I ended up not leaving until far too late. I still got in within my allowed window, so I don’t HAVE to use leave, but I think I might just use some credit time, because I don’t want to stay as late as I would need to for when I got in… particularly when we still have some preparation that we need to do for Thanksgiving later this week.

Work has been okay, overall. I got the billing done that I needed to get done before the end of the month, which kept me busy, so things have gone quickly, which is a blessing. I did my run, which was good. It was harder than normal, because it was very cold today, and I was a bit sluggish from having eaten out a lot this weekend. Still, I made it through, and that was good. The leftover chili was even spicier than I remembered, but I got through it, and that was good. All of my family that was planning to come before is now planning to come again, so I’m glad that has ironed itself out, since it was causing Megan some distress, which was troublesome for me, as well. We need to plan the meal for Thanksgiving, now, and do some of the prep work for various dishes, as well as getting the house ready for everyone to come to visit. I guess this week will be a bit different, but at least I had a chance to have some time to enjoy myself a bit beforehand.

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