Getting Ready

Yesterday was mostly devoted to getting prepared for Thanksgiving. Megan and I split up the shopping list and both went grocery shopping. I stopped on the way home to try to get cinnamon buns at the PA Dutch market, but it wasn’t open that late. I did manage to print out the GameStop gift certificate again and go to the one nearby, and got Diablo 3 to try to play with Abdu while he is around. It was more expensive than I had expected, and if I weren’t buying it to play with him, I probably would have gotten Borderlands 2 instead, along with something else, I guess, since it would not have been the full value of the gift certificate. Anyhow, I did that and then headed on to the grocery store, where I bought things as quickly as I could while Megan and I texted back and forth about what we could find at our respective stores. I think we got everything. While we were texting, she suggested that she could pick up Five Guys so we could eat dinner quickly, and that sounded good, so I told her what I wanted, and then since she was doing that, I figured I would stop at the liquor store, and I got some hard cider for tomorrow. I got home first and set about putting away everything I had gotten and such, and then when she got home, I helped put away stuff with her, and then we ate and watched TV for a while. Once we had finished eating, it was time for SHIELD. I think Megan had forgotten about it, but we watched it and made her cheesecake during the commercials. I also managed to do dishes, and wash sheets during that time, as well. After it was over, we made my cranberry chutney while the cheesecake baked, and I switched the laundry to the dryer. After that, I thought we might go to bed, but Megan set about cleaning things up and putting away her knitting machine to make room for people. That was important, but also meant we didn’t get to sleep on time. Jim came home around then, and since he is staying home, Megan asked him to do a couple of things around the house tomorrow. That was good, I suppose.

I slept okay last night, but was quite sleepy this morning. Still, Megan was trying to leave extra early, so I got up to take care of things so she could do that, like making up coffee. She left a little after six, which was good, but also asked me to do some things around the house. I took care of those, and still had some time to play Skyrim, which was nice, and I got a good amount of play time in before leaving for work. I made it to work on time, which is good, since people are going to start showing up today. That will mean I should be there only an hour later than Megan, which is a plus. I would have needed to stay, anyway, so I’m glad I got some time to enjoy myself before all of this time around people. I guess I’ll just head home this evening and meet up with people and try to enjoy spending time with people… even though I’m sure it will be somewhat difficult at times.

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