ZTT – Meaningful Music

Since I had a request to do so, I decided to do the Zomby-Timmy Theme for this week

Q. Describe a song that means something personal to you.

This is a hard one, as I feel a very close attachment to music. In a way, music helps me to focus emotion into freeing and constructive release rather than letting it stockpile and burst at the most inappropriate of moments. No one song holds a deep individual meaning. But many songs are meaningful as they coincide with my own thoughts and ideals, allowing me to embrace them on more than an aural level.

Two examples of this are two songs from Nickelback’s Silver Side Up CD. Never Again and Just For, both of which deal with the topic of domestic violence.

I feel a lot of anger toward men who hit women. and rather than risking that I might express that in a way I would regret, I can focus such thoughts and feelings as I listen to songs like this. Both have violent themes, the first ending with the wife shooting her abuser and the second, in a vague way, advocating torture. Both inappropriate for the real world, but useful in the harmless release of aggression.

One of the more generic is Battery by Metallica.

The song was, actually, the first I had heard and wooed me into enjoying their music(even if I don’t care for their consorting with the RIAA, but that’s an argument for another day). The song is pure aggression in both lyrics and music which is ‘ever in motion’. Intentional or not, the song isn’t too much dissimilar from a battery as it is quite energizing.

There are dozens more which hold a similar significance. Not all are aggressive. Some songs give to me by friends and some I have bought over the years are light or classical. Soothing to the mind when I’m jsut tense and don’t particularly need to funnel away negative emotions. Few which are distinguished as most influential or most enjoyed. All have their place, like pieces of a puzzle and my tastes cary from one to the other as time passes.

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