Note – 9/11 and Holidays

Actually, 9/11 is sort of a holiday. Bush proclaimed it Patriot Day(As if that term hasn’t been thrown around enough times already) but we don’t’ get the day off. So it’s sort of a cheap holiday. 😉

But enough of that for now, off to get some breakfast. Perhaps a muffin today.

Then more Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Fun game, I recommend it.

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September 11, 2003

Actually, I would imagine it’s a paid holiday, if you’re at work… Well, none of that nonsence here. We don’t do patriotism like America, thank god.

September 11, 2003

You mean, McCarthyist’s Day. *winks*

September 11, 2003

You just watch: some leftist kook will say that Bush made the holiday in an attempt to sell more greeting cards, thereby leasing his close friends at Hallmark…

Shuk makes just as much sense as ever. No, I don’t think Bush is in league with Hallmark – but I do know he and the friends he is paying well have EVERYTHING to gain by being re-elected and continuing to plunder our vaults at the top – and part of being re-elected is to “remember 9/11” and forget every other day that he has been president.

September 16, 2003

Bush made the holiday in an attempt to sell more greeting cards. Somebody had to say it.