News – True Allies?
Middle East
Pakistan makes a show of hitting militant positions along the Afghan border. Why do I say ‘makes a show’? Because I don’t really believe that some of these countries are real, staunch allies when it comes to fighting terrorism regardless of what Bush says. I believe, for many, this is an alliance of convenience. Once the convenience is gone, so will the cooperation fade. But, for now, it is in their best interests to pal up to the USA.
Iraq’s new government continues to flounder amid internal squabbles and calls continue for Jaafari’s ouster. Unless they can get a unity government together so they can start focusing on the real problems in Iraq, things won’t be improving all that much.
Amnesty International says that the US and UK have detained upwards of 14,000 in Iraq without charge or trial and that there is evidence of Iraq’s government doing the torture thing.
Plans exist for a partial pullout from the West Bank if the Kadima party wins in Israel. The leaking of this is sure to make sure that few extremist votes go to Kadima, if any. I think they should do more, but doubt it will happen.
Hamas goes to Russia and Putin calls Bush and Olmert to keep them informed on the meeting. For once, I’m going to agree with something Putin is doing. Olmert thinks that Russia is encouraging Hamas to not change by inviting them over for a meeting. Not necessarily true. Consider, when a people are used to being pushed away and isolated, one of the best ways to gain their respect and thus their willingness to parlay is to make them feel included, while stressing the need for change to gain greater inclusion. At least, that’s my view on it. Too much isolation will just give other powers the chance to slip in and cozy up, while we drift further away.
The speed at which some Israelis and Jews play the anti-Semite card is bad for everyone. You’d think people would recall the tale of the boy who cried wolf. Cry out enough and people will stop listening.
Is the Iran issue overblown or valid? Personally, I think that it is alternately being treated as both. With the US obsessing and stressing too often, yet not taking any decisive steps when it comes to dealing with the situation, through any avenue of action.
North America
Bush will formally ask Congress for line-item veto power. I’m of two minds on this.. while I think it would be great for legislative efficiency, I worry about such a tool in Bush’s hands. I think the prez should have said power, but there needs to be a proper check and balance to it, to keep the president from tailoring legislation to his or her personal preferences, thereby cutting deeply into congress’s power yet again.
Slate’s Fray digs into Bush’s democracy campaign.
An economic look at why New Orleans won’t recover.
What do women want.. in computer games? Are any of my readers ‘girl gamers’? It’s true, women do actually play games, regardless of the misconception some hold, in that there are none.
Crash wins top honor at the Oscars. Deserved, I think, as it was a good movie with a rarely used design.
The Blogs look at the US-India nuclear deal, the renewal of the Patriot Act and the passing of Libertarian Party candidate Harry Browne.
Today’s Papers has a Mississippi town’s idea for housing Katrina survivors, a rash of Avian Flu appearances that draw a question of how much our researches know about how it spreads, AT&T looking to buy Bell South, which would largely reassemble the previously broken up ‘Ma Bell’ and more in the one page news.
Brokeback Mountain performed in 30 sec.. by bunnies.
Some people in Connecticut disapprove of naming every street after some obscure person
Family complains about “ice” falling from planes onto their home, keeps 3 years’ worth in their freezer as evidence
If the leader of the free world is getting his balls licked by water buffalo, you just know that The Sun will be there (with photo, of course)
Lawyer runs computer spell check on legal brief, doesn’t realize anything is wrong until judges start asking why the hell ‘sea sponges’ are so important to his client’s defense anyway
Study finds one in 10 telecommuters works naked, and the majority don’t bother to shower before reporting to work
North Carolina rebuts criticism that Confederate flag is a racist symbol by holding all-white celebration of its heritage at State House
New York wrecking crew starts to demolish apartment block. If they had been punching holes in the right building, you wouldn’t be reading it here
Cop gets tired of searching for suspect, hails taxi for ride. Suspect gets tired of running from cop, flags down same taxi as cop for ride. Jailarity insues
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Theme: Lesser-known Don Knotts roles
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this queen of Mardi Gras
Fark Photoshop Challenge: Them: Photoshop what would happen if Barney Fife had been on the case
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