News – Tday is on the way

So here’s a little something to help in planning the big feast.


In a tizzy trying to decide how to heat the bird for Tday? Slate has a muse of cooking methods and different birds to give you a basis to start off in planning your own Thanksgiving feast.

Note to shoppers! Chatterbox has found the customer service number so you don’t have to. Bookmark this page. ๐Ÿ˜‰

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization note that we’re losing the war against hunger. The number of hungry people around the world is growing. I dunno what you might think, but I think the war against hunger is a better, more productive war to fight than recent wars.

International Papers covers the reaction of the world to MJ’s new legal issues. But the smacks and slaps aren’t just for him, Santa Barbara District Attorney Tom “Mad Dog” Sneddon getting his fair share.

The Lion & Lamb Project, a nonprofit group that compiles a yearly list of a dozen toys that help teach children violence is fun, has put the yelping Hulk doll on it’s list. This toy opens its mouth and yelps when you punch it in the chest.

Slate’s Fraywatch digs into response to several recent articles. The first on Low Yield Nukes is amusing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Today’s Papers notes looters getting their hands on guarded radioactive capsules in Iraq, the long erm cost of the Medicare bill underestimated and more.


US forces believe that attacks against US soldiers have halved while attacks against Iraqis have risen. Of course, many things could be attributed to the decline. The techniques seem to be refining, so perhaps the many half assed, poorly executed attacks are being honed into fewer, but more sophisticated strikes? That would be my guess. Meanwhile, the date for a provisional government is the end of June, which should be when the occupation ends. Mark your calendars.

US Army chaplains are reaching out to Iraqi imams in Mosul, to reassure Sunni arabs that they still have a place in Iraq.

Something to consider is if superpowers act in self-interest or morality. Personally, I find it amusing when I hear people purporting the feel good message of helping the poor Iraqi people. I’m sure half of them didn’t care a whit about the Iraqis before the recent trouble. And it begs the argument of if these moral people are ready to devote the tax dollars and lives to start liberating the rest of the world. There are plenty of people to liberate in Africa for one. They need a lot more help than the Iraqis, as I’ve seen things. Where does this stop?


Arafat calls into question Sharon’s sincerity with backing the peace plan after Sharon makes hints of more unilateral madness if the plan fails. But we already know Sharon is no angel and will only give what he’s forced to.


Imad Moustapha, the Syrian charge d’affaires in Washington, has dismissed the potential sanctions on his country, saying it’ll hurt US oil companies more than Syria. As well that it will send the wrong message and to more harm than good. Which is entirely possible. Thatย’s what happened with Iraq, after all. Saddam didn’t care and the Iraqi people suffered for ten years.


Wow, is the ground getting colder? Europe and the US have agreed on language for the Iran nuke bill. IT says for the IAEA to “meet immediately to consider all options at its disposal” if any further violations of Tehran’s international non-proliferation obligations are uncovered. That’s pretty heavy.


Bush finally visits with some families of the Iraq war’s dead. After being soundly thrashed for not doing so before. Good that he finally did, but it won’t wipe the mark of his ill consideration from the public record. Only blunt it.

The US releases 20 from Gauntanimo Bay. Only to slip in 20 more from an undisclosed location. Population 660 and holding.

Will a soon to be passed Medicare Bill save the system by sliding it further into the private sector? I dunno, but seniors aren’t the only issue when it comes to health care, though the commercials make it seem like that. There are young ones to consider as well.

This year’s energy bill has expired before being passed. Republicans wouldnย’t’ give up lawsuit protection for oil companies. Despite lobbying from the White House to just let it go.

$401 billion for defense. That’s a lot. That’s a record, in fact. One good aspect of it is giving the soldiers and their families a little more cash.

John Allen Muhammad has been sentenced to death. What else is there to say?

Michael Jackson has set up his own site to get his word across on his trial and innocence. It should be interesting to monitor, so don’t forget to bookmark: Michael Jackson’s Official Press Room.

Slate’s Breakdown for the Des Moines Debate. An interesting mix of missteps and scores.


Slim Santa – Adult themes.

Newgrounds Jam #1 – Mild Nudity, Violence. Five artists all take a different spin on the same tune. Four and five are interesting.

Foamy’s Rant 2 – Abundant Profanity

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November 25, 2003

I will speak as one of those who does and did care about a better life for average Iraqi’s through a better government. And yes, I would have supported action in Rawanda, for example, to prevent the massacres there. Sometimes sanctions help, as they did in ending South African Aparthied. Sometimes only military actions settle things down, vis: Kosovo.

Michael Jackson *bangs head* wtf’ever. That just screams ‘LOOK AT ME!!!!’