News – Sick Day News

A little spare as I’m feeling a bit off today. I’ll be at home tomorrow, so I don’t know if I’ll be in the mood for a news entry then. So if you don’t see one, you’ll know why.

Middle East

Iraq will be closing it’s borders from Feb. 17 and Feb. 22, coinciding with the climax of Ashura, a major Shiite religious ceremony. They wish to prevent Shiite pilgrims from flooding Iraq, presenting a tempting target for terrorists.

Saudi men vote in municipal elections, the first stage in nationwide elections planned. There is contention as to whether the vote is progress or not. One thing to note is that women weren’t involved in this election, showing there is much progress yet to be made.

Hamas attacks an Israeli settlement, something that should have been predicted. Israel falls for it and delays security coordination talks with the Palestinians. Hamas is obviously not going along with things, but to rise to their bait, as I’m sure Israel will, will only result in a continuation of the last few years of misery. Will they still ease restrictions as they planned? I hope so.

Iran vows to not give up it’s nuclear program. When it comes to nuclear power, I don’t think they should. We need to find a way to work with them on this, further contention will leave us in the same place as we are now. Unless the US does plan to invade Iran.


North Korea publicly acknowledges it has nukes and pulls out of six way talks indefinitely, saying it needs the nukes for protection from the US. Unfortunately our beligerant actions and ‘diplomacy’ abroad lends a faint air of truth to this. Would we leave N Korea alone if it did give up it’s nukes? Nope.

North America

A Pentagon report recently declassified confirms detainee reports of sexual tactics usd by female interrogators at Guantanimo. Considering the devout religiousness of some of these men, it amounts to cruel and unusual treatment to forcibly violate their taboos. Like forcing a devout Jew to eat those things not allowed by their religion.

A previously unreleased report by the 9/11 commission notes that US aviation officials were getting warnings of hijackings months before the attack. Another lessons learned moment, showing we need to have a requirement that such information be passed on to US intelligence officials.

Bush asks congress for $400 million to reward the nations that have helped in Iraq and Afghanistan. Take that as you will.

Literally deconstructing the Bush administration’s legal reasoning on torture.


Computer technology has tracked the history of the Hope Diamond, exposing it’s mysterious past.

New tech also helps in saving the lives of premature babies.

Environmentalists push Apple for a ‘greener’ iPod. Not a bad idea considering the device’s popularity.

Today’s Papers has last year being the fourth warmest on record, Bush tripling the amount of US tsunami aid, immigrating stuffs and more in the one page news.


Mark Fiore: Crazy George’s Accounting Service

Six-foot-tall fugitive arrested in clothes dryer, relocated to more spacious eight-foot cell

Chinese archaeologists open 2000-year-old tomb. Find modern pair of gloves, inscription on wall reading “Lara Croft was here”

German parliament gets postcard addressed to Hitler due to insufficient address

One of Zimbabwe’s leading junior athletes, who has won several gold medals in women’s events, is really a man

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this graph of federal funds rates

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop Peter Mayhew, AKA the dude inside Chewbacca

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Give this Farker’s daughter a present by photoshopping her at her B-day party</A

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February 10, 2005

This is your idea of “spare”? 😉 Feel better, honey.