News – Israel’s Rising Potential Disorder

Middle East

Another potential bump shows itself clearly now, with Israel having plans to make settlements in the West Bank to replace those that they’ll close in Gaza. This plan has been revealed as a possibility several times before, and this is yet another. If Israel does it, it won’t be conducive toward forging a peace. Nor is the fact that the paranoia of some is turning inwards. Israel’s security minister has suggested the arrest of several prominent Jewish extremists. The fear of Jewish terrorism lingers and grows, but if they start arresting people without then doing anything, they will help to promote just what they fear. Watch then, yes. Prepare for the worst, most definitely and be prepared to act, but don’t usher in what you fear, because of your fear.

Looking back on the CPA, there was something seriously wrong with it. Listening to some reports on C-Span on the subject, I could only shake my head in disbelief at the general level of incompetence suggested.

There is thought that Dawa Party leader Ibrahim al-Jaafari is favored by the United Iraqi Alliance to become Iraq’s PM. Sunni leaders are doing a U-Turn after the boycott, which is good.

Lebanon has shut down to mourn the death of former Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri, recently killed in a carbomb attack.


Nepalese officials reject criticism of the King’s recent actions in sacking the government and putting the country under emergency law, saying they fight terrorism.

North America

Bush urges congress to move quickly on the $81.9 billion package to fund military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan he’s just sent their way. Bush should send his packages earlier so Congress doesn’t have to hurry and can vet the package properly for any issues. He also notes he’d like congress to renew the Patriot Act in full. I’d prefer an open debate on the provisions, to get these senators to do some research on the actual effectiveness of each one, seeing if it’s truly needed and useful.

Another embarrassing setback for missile defense, their interceptor missile failing to launch yet again in a test on Monday.

Bush renominates twenty failed judicial nominees, many called right wing extremists by critics. That seems a confrontational move, not conducive to encouraging political partisans to work together. Again, Bush shows he meant not what he has said.

Jakob Kellenberger, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross, has raised issues with Bush on Guantanimo detainees</A., says a Red Cross Spokesperson.

There is a report that there were fewer residual or missing votes in 2004. Voting machine upgrades and election reforms are credited with that improvement.

The parallel between Lynne Stewart and the president’s torture lawyers.

The latest theory: Chief Justice William Rehnquist was Deepthroat.

Michael Jackson will have a star-studded list of witnesses, including Kobe Bryant, Elizabeth Taylor and Jay Leno. It could also include two of his kids and several nieces and nephews.

A new study suggests that the flu shot has failed to lower the death rate among any age group.


Today’s Papers notes the latest Bushsuplimental for Iraq and Afghanistan has some expenditures not related to either, sees Sylvester Stallone as “executive editor” of a new mag called ‘Sly’, minimal commitments from the White House on faith based programs for the poor and more in the one page news.


State governments consider new taxes that punish hybrid car drivers for using too little gasoline

Drunk homeowner whips out pistol from rear waistband to scare off coyotes, if ‘whips out pistol’ actually meant ‘shot himself right in the ass’

Anti-union Wal-Mart decides to build on former GM land, right next to UAW union hall. What could possibly go wrong?

Ad for prom dresses in “YM Magazine” turns up link for teen porn site. Publisher has no plans to pull offending magazines, claiming teens already know where to find porn on the Internet

U.S. spends $300 billion to elect Iranians to rule Iraq

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this fountain in Trafalgar Square

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop this uncredited Baywatch actor

Fark Photoshop Challenge: Photoshop the fighting children

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February 15, 2005

I always knew flu shots were useless.