News – Havoc in Iraq

A helicopter is shot down, sending the number of US dead into an upward spike.


Sixteen US soldiers were killed and twenty wounded when a Chinook helicopter was downed his weekend. It’s another illustration of the problem with small arms and man portable explosives being scattered in caches about the country. The big question, one I’ve been musing, is how long will that weaponry hold out between use and some of it being found and disposed of by US forces?

The new openness of TV in Iraq is giving the CPA the fits. When many Iraqis who have satellite dishes trust Arab news stations more than US backed stations,

A Saturday conflict between US soldiers and Iraqis left two dead and seventeen injured. At some point it is said a grenade was tossed at US soldiers, wounding two. Further fragments of violence continued after.


Another suicide attack, though this young bomber didn’t take any lives save his own. What a waste.

The Israeli military may be using remote controlled bulldozers to demolish Palestinian homes. Safeguarding the lives of their military while they destroy the lives of others.

At a memorial rally for Yitzhak Rabin, former Israeli Prime Minister, 100,000 called for peace and an end to the occupation. Organizers said the gathering was intended to be nonpartisan, but things don’t always turn out how we want them to.


Hwang Jang Yop– The Chalabi of North Korea?


A new draft constitution has been released, which would give Afghanistan the name, “The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan”. It is said to be based on and respecting Islamic faith, while allowing free religion, an elected president and a bicameral legislature.


Weary firefights are heading home after finally batting the Southern California fires back. A week’s sleep should do them well. Good job, men.

A little amusing event. A woman crashed her car into an Arena where Bush was having a rally, not too far from his motorcade as he was preparing to leave. Suffice it to say she was dragged away quite quickly by police, though it seems an event born of frustration, not malice toward Bush.

A change of heart? The White House has reversed and decided to give over the documents on WMD that were used to justify the Iraq invasion. Interviews as well. There are many paths of speculation on this, it seems unlikely that the WH crew suddenly sprouted a conscience.

Planned Parenthood has filed suit against the ‘partial birth’ abortion ban. Your basic lack of constitutionality suit, which I would agree with personally.

What does the Earth Liberation Front want? Explainer takes a look to see if he can figure out what their ultimate goals are.


Terror the fastest growing economy? Not too surprising considering the upswing in struggle against it.

At fifty, has Playboy become culturally irrelevant?

Has the war in Iraq undermined the war on terror? Yes. Past efforts to seek democracy in the Middle East have been half assed at best. The only difference between them and this latest attempt is that this attack on Iraq has a much higher price to pay should we fail.

Alien is back in theaters. I want to see it and left pleased with the classic.

Does the Vatican have exclusive rights to the world Catholic? A lawsuit has been brought against a Spanish speaking church that “was “intentionally or recklessly” creating the impression that its clerics and services “are sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Church.”

Today’s Papers has the helicopter crash, noting the locals celebrating it. Of course, this was in a decidedly anti-American area. Much ado about the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner and number mix ups among other tidbits of the days news.


The Dangers of Beer – Don’t’ say you haven’t been warned.

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Loved the article on Playboy. Pumped by wheezing, I can relate. 😉 Love,