Me – Weekend Randomness
Drifting, lazy day. Didn’t want to write yesterday, not sure what to write today. Tried to start up a weekend news update, but got bored with it, so decided not to. I’ve been flickering between various activities today.
On the one, I’ve been tinkering with my new Gamecube and game. Hunter: The Reckoning. An interesting romp, that. Humans imbued with the special sight and special powers to battle the supernatural menaces that threaten humanity. Running through the dark cityscape streets as the undead manifest around you. either taking it to them with hand to hand weapons or blasting off with various firearms large and small. There’s nothing quite like running around a cluster of the shambling dead as you open up on the pack o them with an assault rifle or riot shotgun.
I should write some undead horror fiction some time.. hmm. You know me and describing icky things. 😉
I’ve also been watching a little TV. Sunday is the day for political talk shows. The McLaughlin Group and Chris Matthews Show, providing some deep thoughts to consider when it comes to the world situation. and later during the day, TV movies. Watched Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which is an amusing flick. One I’ve decided to look for on DVD, as well as The Money Pit. I vaguely remember seeing that one and enjoying it. If I can find both on the cheap, I’ll likely pick them up next Friday.
Adding to the lightness, I’ve been courting a few ideas for stories, considering buying Poser and wondering what I can do with Warcraft 3. I’ve been trying to think up a good scenario to craft in various maps.
And in between, the RP. One of my old loves, something that I have done here and there for going on perhaps 7 or so years so far. The textual media is where I am at my best. Writing and role playing, both let me be more creative than I could be with drawing or music.
Though should I get Poser, I could correct that. And make portraits of my characters, such as the Pale Woman. Her next story will be coming up on the 4th of July. I’ve been considering the potential with a fun little piece of software like that. Low end graphics, but I’ve seen that it can render some remarkably detailed figures, right down to the details of the hair. It would fit my needs perfectly. Though I think I’ll wait for the upcoming next version before I decide to buy in.
Tomorrow I’ll be hitting a movie likely. Perhaps Bruce Almighty, the previews on TV for it were interesting and often amusing, which means I’ll likely find the movie just as engaging. And perhaps I’ll finally get my stuff together and get a news post up for the weekend.
That or make Monday’s massive.
like the comic strip… methinks I might create one. 🙂
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ryn~ if it was an epiphany, it would still have to involve alcohol in some significant quantity. i can’t see him observing mitzvot or the halakha, to be honest. sounds like a cool weekend. i have some interesting bits of graphics software – no time to use them. and i really must sit down and get that pic of medusa done. it’ll happen eventually. maybe this week.
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