I should be sleeping
Wow. So OD doesn’t like Internet explorer or the other way around.
Sad news: my new favorite face products? That make my face look AMAZING!!? I’m allergic to. (insert devastated face here). Who knows what it is. So…instead of writing the entire line off… i’m going t test the products one at a time and hope I get to keep some of them!
An old friend of mine texted me on my birthday yesterday. He remembered. Thank you friend, for remembering. And you can defaniatly win the challenge.
I need to sleep. James is at a conferance out of town and i’m heading into work early so I can leave early and:
– pick up a new red bell pepper plant since the damn squirrels at the last one
– pick up the rest of Stella’s gift and wrapping paper for her and Torin’s gifts on Sat/
– Go grab Sushi – with a friend, or all by myself.
– Come home and CLEAN THE HOUSE! (How do normal people who have full time jobs AND kids manage to get anything done, relax and still find time to sleep?)